the boys|prefrence

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How they would react to you dyeing your hair (unnatural color):
charlie: charlie wOULD LOVE IT OMG. he'd always be taking pictures of you and he probably would want to dye his to match yours! not to mention he'd fight anyone who said something bad about it

todd: todd would think you look so beautiful and constantly compliment you and always want to style it for you awh. and he would always make sure you were using the treatment for your hair so the color lasted and your hair wasn't too damaged

neil: omg neil would help you pick out the shade and style of the dye job and be there at every appointment making sure you were happy with the way it turned out

knox: knoxious would write poems about your new look and help you plan your outfits to work with your new color not to mention he would constantly talk about how it was so amazing how you didn't care what others thought of your newly dyed hair!

meeks: meeks would be really surprised and shocked that you took that big of a risk with your hair color. he would love it though and support you fully while probably reading up on different ways to keep your hair healthy.

pitts: pittsie would be whole heartedly in love with your new color, constantly telling you how good you look/ how well the color suits you,etc. he would always carry a picture of you in his pocket and any chance he got he'd bring up how wonderful you looked with your fresh color.

a/n hi everyone! sorry i didnt update for 2 days i was super busy with my family but i really hope you like this!! i wrote this preference because i recently dyed my hair purple (the picture is my hair lol) and i thought it would be a cute lil drabble. i have 2 imagines coming soon so stay tuned!xx

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