the boys|prefrence

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when neil babysat for the first time with you he was naturally so good with the kid. he was so gentle and made the little one laugh the entire time and he wasn't opposed to dressing up, he loved it. and when it was time for bed, he'd read stories to them and rub the bridge of the kids nose to put them to sleep. overall he was basically like a father the whole time.
oh lord. charlie would cause so much trouble with the kids he watches. although he would keep it in moderation based on how old the kid is, and make sure the kid was safe at all times. he would even sneak the small child treats when you weren't watching. as for bedtime he would put so much enthusiasm into the characters and their different voices that the poor child wouldn't want to sleep, so you had to take over in that department.
meeks would run on a tight schedule making sure the child ate right, was staying safe and learning with puzzles and interactive books! sometimes he'd go a bit over the top so you'd have to reel him in, and remind him that the child needed to have fun too. he would blush and apologize, but it's cute how much he cares for the kids well being. when bed time comes around he will full on get on bed with the little one and hold toddler against his chest while reading to them until the tyke was asleep.
oh my god. pitts with a child? my heart can't take it and neither can yours because he is so sweet when it comes to doing anything with or for the little one. he will dress up just like neil or build blocks, read or even just give them a piggy back ride, which the small one enjoys due to pitts' height! he makes sure the ankle biter is happy and having fun at all times. at bedtime, Gerard Pitts would go through every book in the house to make sure the story was happy so the tot could have good dreams.
knox would be the KING of babysitting. he'd get on the ground with them, read to them, color with them, tickle them, i mean he'd go all out to make the kid laugh. throughout the day he'd make funny faces and do funny voices just to catch the kid off guard and keep the giggles going. when bedtime arrives he tucks the kid in and just hums little songs while petting their hair until they were asleep.
oh my goodness poor baby todd. he would want to be so so gentle with the child due to the fact how small they are. he's never been around kids so much younger than him and he's completely lost. he doesnt want to make them cry or be too agreeable when playing with them so he basically lets them walk all over him. when it comes to bedtime though, after talking to you over the phone, he becomes more strict about making them sleep.
a/n: hey!! so i love this idea sm and im sorry if its a little repetitive im watching harry potter rn lmao! also i have 2 questions:
1:how old is everyone that reads my stuff?
2: how old do you think i am based on my writing?
ALSO !! i have 2 imagines coming and then im going to finish the language imagines! xx

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