the boys|prefrence

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charlie would love small pda. even though he's quite outgoing and loud i really think that small things like hand holding and cheek kisses would keep him happy. however, when he sees you after a long time away from you, he won't hesitate to kiss you passionately no matter who is watching. but if any guy tried to make a move, you can bet that mr. dalton would be all over you.

knox would respect you 100% and let you decide how much pda was appropriate. however if you didn't show him any physical touch all day, he'd assume he's done something wrong and give you big puppy dog eyes until you held his hand and reassured him that everything was fine between you two. but like charlie, if some boy tried to flirt with you he wouldn't hold back.

meeks would surprisingly show quite a bit of pda. i don't mean like full on make out/groping sessions, but more of constant hand holding, kissing, or just touching in some shape or form. he would do this to prove to himself that he deserved you and your love, even if sometimes he felt like he didn't. your constant affection gave him security and kept him feeling loved. but if someone tried to talk you out of being with meeks, all he'd do is swing his arm around your waist and whisper in your ear everything that the guy was doing wrong. "y/n the way he's standing is going to lead to a hump in his back." "y/n his grammar is incorrect." "actually y/n that place is 45 minutes away from there, with light traffic."

oof. okay, neil would have lovey pda. like not so much passionate kissing as long hugs. he'd love to hold your hand and run his fingers over your palm and knuckles. or he'd brush the hair out of your eyes, and even just trace his fingers along your side. he's such a soft boy except, when someone looks at you with a glint of hope for pulling you away from him. he will go ALL OUT. LIKE FULL ON BASICALLY UNDRESSING YOU WITH HIS EYES. WANDERING HANDS. NECK KISSES. basically anything to keep your attention on him.

pitts aw bubba. BUT PITTS IS A LOWKEY FREAK. LIKE HE WOULD LOVE HOT MAKEOUT SESSIONS IN THE HALLWAY. although he is a sucker for gentle cheek kisses or interlocking your pinkies when you're walking side by side. when someone tries to move in on you, he just pulls you to a corner and looks at you with his soft eyes and says "you don't really want him do you y/n?"

a/n: whoo! okay i hope you liked it but i have two important things to say
1-all matches/ships will now be sent through private message! i find that it's easier to keep track of which ones i've done and it allows this book to be a little more "x reader" ? if that makes sense?
2- ive been thinking about making an 80s/90s characters & actors imagine book ? are any of you interested? please tell me!!

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