the boys| prefrence

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charlie first saw you at a coffee shop, he was on break from welton and decided to take a stroll during a particularly cold and windy day. he stopped in for a coffee and a muffin but got something a lot sweeter, you. he saw you reading in a corner and instantly thought you were beautiful so he decided to saunter up to you and quote some cheesy poem he heard meeks speak about. normally every girl would swoon at him and his smirk but you just laughed at his sorry attempt to chat you up, and thats how he knew you were going to be much more than a one-date-only girl.

you and neil could meet one of two ways: you could meet in a play, whether you're a leading role or not, neil constantly finds his attention drifting towards you and only you. he can't help but strike up conversation anytime he has the chance, because he just can't get enough of you. and at the final show, when the applause has died and everyone begins to say their goodbyes, he slips you a piece of paper with the number to his house and to welton as well as a heart in his goofy handwriting. his hand would shake and his normally confident demeanor would seem to evaporate as he told you that he wanted to spend more time with you.
the second way you could meet neil is if you worked at a book shop, a place neil constantly found solace. the small and cozy atmosphere calmed him when welton and his father loomed over-head for too long. you always worked the weekend shift and found yourself admiring the beautiful boy that would wander the store and occasionally buy a book of poems here and there. finally he can't take just the tease of your stares and the sample of your voice, he needed the full experience, so one saturday he rushed through the doors, and like always you were the only one in the store. he storms up to you with his eyes burning wildly, and asks if you would like to go on a date with him.

aw sweet baby boy. you and todd met at some fancy dinner his parents forced him to attend. you sat quietly throughout dinner, just watching the soft boy stutter out his answers to his fathers associates. he would glance your way but his eyes would dart away as soon as you looked back at him. when the time came for the men to sneak away to have a drink in the den, todd stayed in the living room with you and the other teenagers who were forced into attending. you made your way over to the blonde as he stood away from the others, and said "you like ice cream?" he found it hard to answer as he was so taken back by your bold introduction. "yeah" he muttered out, afraid it would be the wrong answer. "well there's some in the kitchen, come on!" you pulled him by the wrist as he blushed madly. you shared ice cream and laughs as you spoke about how boring the dinner had been and other similar situations. at the end of the night, you wrote your number down and slipped it into his hand as you said your goodbyes.

you met him at a party, you had been laughing and actually enjoying yourself without the help of alcohol, unlike the others. so you stepped outside to rid your senses of the strong smell of liquor and to cool down. as you leaned against the side of the house, you could feel the bass of the music vibrating the wall but then something disrupted the soft and chilly atmosphere, it was the yelling of a girl and the slam of a door. a handsome boy came stumbling out of the door, tears streaming down his face and a blonde girl running after him yelling "please! i didn't mean it!" you could see the brunette physically cringe at her lies. "please leave!" the boy spoke through sobs. the sound of her heels clacking and the opening and closing of the door signaled her absence. "hey are you okay?" you spoke tenderly to the clearly distraught teen. "not really" he chuckles at his own heartache. "she's not worth the pain you know, anyone that cheats isn't worth it." you spoke as you took a seat next to him. "i know, it's just... i thought she was the one." he turned to you and you finally got a good look at him. the moonlight casted a shadow which only defined his cheekbones and jaw more, his beautiful eyes were red and his cheeks splotchy, lips swollen but my god did he look like art. "im y/n by the way." you placed your hand over his, the chill of his shaking hands were a nice contrast to your warm ones. "knox." he stated. "well knox, how about some coffee and pancakes to help soothe your anguish?" he laughed his beautiful and raspy laugh, and agreed to your proposition. you two took to the diner and enjoyed a night in your own world, and 3am pancakes soon became your thing, and eventually carried you to your relationship.

you and meeks actually met at a record store! he was there with the gaggle of boys in their welton uniforms, taking advantage of the lack of classes and you were just wandering the aisles looking for nothing in particular when you quite literally bumped into the red head. "im sorry! my friends got a little too rowdy, are you okay?" you only smiled at the gaggle of boys looking on and said "im fine don't worry about it!" and turned the corner. you heard muffled shouts and laughter coming from the other boys as you drifted throughout the store. you couldn't help but wonder about the cutie that spoke to you only minutes before, and scolded yourself for not saying more. as you went to leave the store empty handed, you heard a yell... "wait!" it was the same carrot top from before. "my name is steven and i find you incredibly beautiful, call me sometime" and he slipped you a piece of paper with a number written in quite beautiful handwriting. "well ok, talk to you soon i guess!" and with that you walked out leaving meeks to be cheered on by the rest of the boys.

oh sweet pittsie. you were wandering weltons halls looking for your god-father; john keating, as he was now an english teacher here and you were in town. the halls were filled with boys of different ages wearing the exact same outfit, going in and out of doors here and there, but each one giving you a look as if you were an alien. as you approached room 250, you heard cheers and laughter radiating from the room and through the hall, one being your godfather's. you opened the door and john looked up and seemed to light up! "y/n! my dear how are you?! look how grown you are!" he made his way over to you and engulfed you in a hug that felt like home. "im wonderful! how are you?!" you replied with a large smile, happy to see someone you recognize. "well i am just great, here let me introduce you to some of my favorite students!", he went down the row listing their names and their skills in his class, occasionally making a joke about them. he got to the last seat and you couldn't help but drink in the boy before you. he was gorgeous, tall and soft with beautiful eyes and an amazing smile. his name was gerard but he went by pitts, according to john. "well hi, im y/n, johns god-daughter" you stated, not taking your eyes of the handsome boy. "nice to meet you!" pitts said, admiring your entire being. and from then on, you constantly made visits to welton, and not only to see your god-father.

a/n: ahh!! im so sorry i've been inactive but hey! im back!! i hope you like this!! the first few are a little shorter and im sorry about that im trying to get back in the swing of things. anyway please feel free to request anything on this book or my other one! anyway how would you guys feel about me making a bowers gang preference/imagine book? im in love with them lmao. lmk!

question: who do you ship me with out of the dps boys? why?
answer: i ship myself with charlie bc i think we're most alike idk.

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