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Listen here guys the thing that bothers me a lot is that I am bad at telling private stuff to close ppl I know that u must be thinking am I crazy WTH am I saying.

And no I'm not crazy the problem is that Selena doesn't know about me having a crush on Jay (Justin ) i got a little nickname for him but no biggie it's just a tiny one I will get over it . I'm not that obsessed. Kk  I am fine

Well u know that guy we met named max yup so here's the story ..

I was sleeping on the couch well not exactly sleeping I was watching Netflix you've heard of stranger things haven't u ? ...soaked into the laptop screen a loud annoying ringtone rang making me get a mini heart attack resulting me to fall right on the freaking wood suddenly a louder noise came which was the doorbell.  I moaned softly as I tried to get up and the doorbell rang again but this time it rang like 6 times so obviously it's Selena yeah quite sure about it :-!  .  I opened the door and was right it's Selena . 


I had called Camila to tell her that I was  coming to her house .( Me whispering) Doesn't seem good to go uninvited ;-) . For some Reason Camila was not opening the door so I rang it like 5 times don't believe her if she says that it was 7 times anyways  in my defense she took too long to open the door.

She opened the door and literally was like" I hope what u have got to say is worth me falling from the couch. And FYI my screen is kinda broken " . I apologized as I didn't wanna argue with her . She squealed as i told her that Max called and wants to take us to the movies             yesssss!!!!! Was like her reaction . So we were watching this movie named "infinity war". Max told that his horrible annoying little sister who around is my age will be there too with her friends ,but her movie will get over in like 3 hours so we gotta wait for so meanwhile we would go to the ice rink ...yayyy!!!! .... 

The movie was great and the ice rink was freezing . now the most weirdest and funniest thing is that we didn't know how to skate so we kept falling on our butts Max kept laughing at us well I started to get it but poor camila was literally falling every second lol !!!

 That's when Camila wanted to take a picture for her Instagram cz she has not updated for like 3 days we were taking a picture at the edge of the ice rink.. click !!OMFG u won't believe who we saw behind us shittt I was Soo mad that time 😒😨 .... Justin was holding Cassandra's hand Shawn was next to Justin and next to Shawn was jack .... 

We were in a big shock Shawn snatched camila's phone, looking at the picture he and jack were posing like us and clicking another picture gosh Soo sick I gave jack a death stare and he was like "ok fine".. u see I took advantage of jack u know not in a mean way but I helped him with his so called love story with Riley so yeah he owes me his life but honestly sometimes boys can be a jerk .

Justin glared at us while Cassandra was trying to make me jealous well Cassandra knows I have a huge crush on Justin she used to be my old bestie. before I joined this school I was like in another school and when I joined Camila and Cassandra used to be bff's but then I came in and joined their gang anyways I used to tell them everything even Justin was my crush back then and still is , ever since Cassandra didn't get invited to Justin's birthday party she has been acting like a jerk.

Cassandra pushed me to the side and put on the shoes camila and I  went back to skating after that Cassandra went along with Justin to skate the most worst part is when she acted like she was going to fall and Justin caught they were Soo close to kissing when Camila fell onto both of them like boom all of them were on the floor .

Camila and Justin laughed while Cassandra was literally Soo mad and I was like haa sucker Camila was chatting with Justin while he left Cassandra on the freezing cold ice well the ice was probably only cold for her cz she didn't wear the uniform 

**Flashback **

Jack texted me" bad news they are dating Justin and Cassandra ... Im gonna call them jaussandra how do u like it selena ?? I know im soo good at  this "                          I don't believe you jack!! i responded..                            

a while later Jussandra ( me sarcasticaly) entered the reception  area where the  guy handed the costume for the ice rink .. I wore it better to be safe than sorry .... I am not gonna wear this horrible costume it is gonna ruin my look I will wear this beautiful and stylish dress of mine .... said Cassandra ....... But you will feel cold my love .. wait a minute did he just say my love??????? OMG jack was right  I gotta tell camila!!!! OMG 😨😨😨

                           **  END OF FLASHBACK **

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