chap 1: I took design technology this year.

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(sketch of jhon)

john pov

I and Alexander were only mutual friends, we talked in only a few classes and only had a few classes together really. sometimes we walked together and it just...makes my heart flutter. it sounds stupid to say that he is the highlight of my day, his cocoa butter eyes and silky brown flowing hair, normally pulled into a messy bun was adorable, his irresistible smirk literally put me on the edge. i always wonder why i fell for such a messy, awkward guy, but there is always a reason.

don't judge me, but noticing Alex and slightly following him has become a skill of mine. I may have a bit of a crush on him, and yes I've told my friends about him.

so in other words, hi, I'm John Laurens and I'm currently cruising through college.

ruffling my cold bed sheets, I pull myself out of bed and check my phone. 8:37 am shit I only have like 20 minutes before class... panic flushes through my veins as I rush out of bed, throwing on a soft sweater because it's actually really cold outside, and casual jeans. I stepped out and practically ran into the kitchen, grabbing a leftover muffin out of the fridge. what? I had to eat something. whilst I walk out of my dorm I hastily tie my curls up. okay, I have about 4 minutes to walk to my lesson, laf had already left...that slick Frenchy...

this is my first lesson of the semester, I've been in this place for at least two years yet I will never get used to it. I know ill have new teachers, new places, and a new class schedule. this year I chose tech, and thankfully I had it's a calm subject that I can get through, I thought as I rushed. I had just approached the art building. 8:56 am

I walked into my first lesson, people were crowding the small room chattering, the teacher hadn't arrived yet. Still standing in the doorway, I quickly scanned the room for anyone I knew, any of my friends. none of them. it's not like I expected it, Peggy wasn't interested in tech, laf and herc were both doing business studies so far. I guess that left me on my own. what was i going to d-

I was suddenly shaken out of my thoughts when a small brown haired boy bumped into me, i guess he was trying to get through, but still.

"what the hell man?!" I blurted out to the boy, his back to me as I got up.

"jhon, god I'm sorry, I'm just really tired I didn't see-"

"yo Alex, its okay, I didn't know you did design... " I smiled through my burning cheeks.

holy shit, fuck me sideways with a lunchbox its Alex... I didn't know he did tech, he wasn't the type, I swear to god... I'm really panicking now, my heart is beating out of my chest, I hope no one saw that. this is good.

I push some hair out of my face and stare at him intently, keep cool John.

"Yeah, well they recommended it to me, and I guess I thought it would be interesting!" he exclaimed, his beautiful brown eyes lit up with the rest of his face. he was just getting up.

"ha..ha I'm surprised you're not writing!" I said with an awkward smile. this class was going to be hard.

he looked down with a sweet smile, going to the back of the room. I soon realized that the teacher was here, following that, she was ordering us to the back of the room to choose our seats. I walked to the back of the room, away from Alex because I really needed to calm down.

"Alright, I trust you to work quietly, so whats going to happen, is that I am going to pick one of you, and you must choose someone to sit with, well go from their"

she slowly started picking people, doubt and panic were growing in my mind as I wondered who in the world I would choose. would anyone choose me? this was just embarrassing. I was internally screaming while I waited for her to inevitably choose me...or for me to be left out, everyone looking.

I stood there awkwardly, fidgeting wildly.

"Yeah, John."

I finally heard my name, I opened my mouth, only just realizing that I wasn't being called out, it was a familiar voice that had chosen me. the same familiar voice was beckoning me to go sit with them.

I turned my eyes to meet Alex, sitting calmly in his seat, patting the seat next to him, a friendly smile plastered on his face. shit, why me god. I walked over in shock to sit next to him.

there he was, in a seriously cute brown sweater and joggers, how could he make even that sexy? a wild blush grew on my face, I wondered, how could I work with him, all year, how in the world could I bare this?

"wow, erm thanks for piking me, none of my friends are in this class so..yeah, well thanks!" I laughed, gosh I sound like an idiot when I'm around him

"yeah, same actually, and your good company so..yeah! it'll be fun working with you!" he laughed.


the lesson passed, me a blushing trembling mess, him, calm and cool and just amazing as usual...

(thx for reading, I promise this will get better, its mostly an introduction, ill do an Alex pov later. )

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