Chap 16: "muffled yells"

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3rd person pov

"no no no it makes no sense that they get back together because Rafael SAID he was done and so did Jane if they aren't talking how in the hell are they going to-"

"I assure you mon Cheri they will trust me here I can see it in their eyes, its meant to be from the start"

"I assure you that your wrong and ill fight you I swear Laffy" Hercules threatened, twisting his head in lafayettes direction, a smirk pulling his lips whilst they discussed the shows that blared out on their broken tv. laying on the sofa, kept together by a thick blanket, both exhausted from the previous day, yet both energetic enough to discuss Jane the virgin for a whole hour. laf relaxed his shoulders, leaning onto herc comfortably, and casually squeezing past to grab his phone, checking the time, watching his partner from the corner of his eye.

"I know you're looking at me Frenchie, IM NOT AFRAID OF YOU" yelled herc in an overly dramatic tone shifting the covers to playfully punch laf, the tired pair giggling.  they settled back down into their satin sheets, fully intending to spend the night in each other's arms-

"you know what he did to me? you fucking know Alex and still, you won't tell me why-"

"I don't have to tell you anything, it's not my fault your always in my business, I have a right to privacy!"

"a fucking right to...what the fuck Alex im your boyfriend don't you at least think for one bloody second that maybe I should-"

"Look, whatever happened is my business, my family is my business, my life is-"

"CAN YOU STOP INTERRUPTING ME, IM JUST TRYING TO...IM JUst..trying to hold myself..fucking together for you.."

"no no no no it's okay its-"


the pair were lifted from their drowsy state by muffled yells, an ongoing battle from the next dorm. both immediately knew who it was. Although only one knew what it was about, they both shared the same look of distress.

"should i..?"

"Erm...text them, text Alex I'm sure it is not that ba-"

"WHAT? I bet you sucked him dry is that it?? you can't even look me in the fucking eye and your gonna fuck him night and day? that's it! that's what you're afraid to tell me, isn't it?? fucking fess up-"

herc cleared his throat as laf gazed nervously into the ceiling, a constantly worried expression taking over his features "laf?"

"erm, oui je will text Alex r right now " laf nervously chuckles, fingers fumbling over his phone screen typing anxiously.

frenchie: is everything ok mon frere, should we come over, is john alright??????

hammboi: yeah everything is fine please don't come over, we are all fine I don't want you in this sorry.

frenchie: is it know

hammboi: no no no ugh even if it was about it I don't want you guys over just stop!

frenchie: if you say so...

read at 9:28 pm

laf sighed and put his phone down, the screen facing down. he softly put his head in his hands and muttered french cusses, herc snuggled up to him as a desperate attempt to comfort the distressed Frenchman.

"I'm guessing he didn't want us, is he okay?"

"lies lies he lies he is not okay just listen" they stop for a second in silence, an honest check to see if things have calmed down yet.


" know I love you, Jackie"


"..then tell me the truth lex. I can't handle this... I need to know...b-because..everyone else does.."

laf and herc exchange a slightly relieved look, mostly because things sound like they've calmed down. they both turn back to the tv, relieved, but minds working to figure out what they should be doing. sympathetic smiles at each other and they are back to usual events. minutes later  herc warmly smiles at laf then pecks him on the cheek sweetly. "you know, I think they are going to be just fin-"


"shall we-"


 ---time skip to johns dorm brought to you by LARGE BAGUETTE--

lafayette nervously stood by the wooden door, herc stood next too him just as nervous, both anticipating the argument they were about to be let in on, both dreading it too. passing a knowing look to herc, who would be normally quite confident in these situations, laf knocked on their door, deafly aware of the still ongoing argument. both of them wasn't one to back down, in any way.  I could hear it.

"you have his number right? I've seen his name in your phone."

"Yeah, I what? whats your problem?"

"why the fuck do you have his number after all this? you can't tell me that nothing is going on ale-"

"I'm really trying to calm myself down you know but you are making it pretty damn hard"

"what the hell.!?!? that doesn't even matter"

"I'm going to answer the door, oh, and by the way, it does."

they heard a sigh and the door was silently pushed open by Alex. 

herc pov

I don't know what the hell is going on with them, I don't even know how to handle it, I mean let's be honest here I've never seen Alex in this kind of situation before. so..yeah. I'm just prepared to help. I walk into the dorm silently, not knowing what to expect. what I don't expect is a...romantic setup. guess this really is something huh. laf walks around to Laurens, who is sitting on the sofa, with his head in his hands, pretty grief-stricken, he isn't responding, he's just looking at the ground as Alex stares him down. I've seen jhon get like this before, when we really got to know each other after me visiting laf a few, he would call me if he needed help, he goes into thought but, not exactly this much.. on the table beside him I see alexs phone. on texts, more specifically, I glance down further and see its texts with Jefferson, paragraphs. well, I know what happened with Jefferson, so I'm not that su-

"herc? I hope your listening because I honestly don't know what he's on about, I wish I had papers to somehow prove to him that my business is my business you know??" 

"erhm, I'm not sure about..that I uh I'm going to go talk to laf"  fuck me with a chainsaw I don't even know what this is about.

I walk over to laf, deciding to ignore the texts for now and focus on Laurens, who still hasn't moved..or said anything. I'm sat next to him while laf leave momentarily to talk to Alex, wondering what caused the argument probably. 

"jhon? it's going to be alright I just know it"I smile sympathetically even though I don't know it, I wish I did, placing a soft hand on his back.

".....hhmm.."  he shivered a little, a small breathy laugh. it wasn't genuine. maybe he could sense the lie in my tone.

whatever is "alexs business, if its enough to waste this much time on. it probably should be johns business too.

(( hey everyone thank you for so many people reading this! 1k like wowowowow!! I've disappeared for quite some time, I've had a lot to deal with and no motivation left. its real poop if you ask me. HOPEFULLY, I can get the next chapter out in a bit...not a month HOPEFULLY.cant even trust myself haha. okay byee and thx so much for following the story, it's coming to an end soon but ill be starting a new book after hah also this chap is 1294 words))

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