chap 13:"jakiieeeee, you feel good"

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johns pov

Peggy took another swig of beer, sitting beside me chuckling like an idiot, like the rest of us. we sat on the floor in a drunken circle, having consumed at least a whole bottle of white wine, and 7 beers, Peggy won a few in a prize draw, and while I loved Peggy, SHE DIDNT HAVE TO BRING ALL THE GODDAM ALCOHOL SHE, in short, I'm not going to remember tonight. I took another regretful swig of beer, not being much of a wine person, feeling the haze of drunk wash over me.

"jakiieeee, you feel good" Alex slurred, stroking my hair as if I was some sort of doll, which I liked more than id admit. quietly, I scoffed at his drunk state, being shoved back into reality.

"that's what he said the last nig-"

"PEGGY" I practically screamed, a giggle following it.

"I hope there will be a last night sometime" Alex whispered, a small breath only I could hear, pecking me on the cheek, he had set the alcohol down, and looked into my eyes subtly OHHH BOY LORD HELP ME SAY NO TO THIS, I felt my face heat up an almighty red, feeling the small man's body lean into mine in our spot.

Peggy was shaking with laughter, stifling a laugh and desperately failing, lex slightly joining in. all three of us laughing at nothing, adding small comments onto it that made us laugh even harder, launching our heads back with hearty chuckles.

"are you normally so flirty when your drunk???"

"only for youuuuuu" he teased, kissing me sightly, I wish he hadn't stopped.

later, I found myself in the bathroom glaring into the reflection that stared back at me, after I had excused myself to the toilet (more like announcing "I gotta piss" and marching out of the room). i looked at my disheveled apperance, red face, hair flowing aimlessly across my face, and wondered if things would stay like this, hoping they would. snapping out of it, I pulled my mess of curls into a ponytail and well...did what I said I was going to do. 

"SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS" I heard muffled screams through the wall as I walked to the door, rolling my eyes, it's not like I wasn't as drunk as them though. I walked out the door, joining the slurred yells in my drunken state, sitting and snuggling back up to Alexander, cus god it felt right.




sooner or later we all held a shot and a smirk,  drifting around drunkenly...

"LETS DO TRUTH OR DARE!!" Peggy gleamed "IF YOU DONT DO IT, TAKE A SHOTT LAST STANDING WIIINNNSNSNSN" she screamed, maybe a little too excited. I shifted in my spot and poured another shot, watching eagerly as the others did... I also just wanted to see how drunk lex could get.

"ALEX TRUTH OR DARE" Peggy screamed, lex's signature smirk snaked across his face, shifting his body weight away from me slowly

"dare," he said calmly...WOT

I noticed a glint in Peggy's eye, I made myself comfortable on the floor and hoped for the best.

"alexxxxx.....sit on Johns lap," she said, holding a glorious smirk, a few giggles leaving her lips even, as her eyes glaring at us...she knew how competitive Alex was...and that I WOULD NOT SURVIVE

He genuinely looked at me with lustful eyes, moved his shot down, moved from his place to mine, carefully climbed on top of me, and sat, on my lap, facing me. i could tell you for hours how good it be so close, but, I didn't want to do that in front of someone. it just felt dirty. i loved him all the same.

I rested my hands on his hips, begging for more closeness, a whole zoo in my stomach already. he hummed and kissed me on the cheek, lingering longer than it should, but I couldn't bare myself, I quickly kissed his soft plump lips, tearing his attention to me, it felt embarrassing but it also felt so good, our kisses should've stopped, but they didn't seem too, they didn't want to. I could tell he was enjoying them a little too much though...if you get what im saying.

I could hear Peggy giggling on her phone, muffled through Alex's locks of chocolate hair, and his intoxicating lips, pressed against mine, lingering just before smashing into mine, sloppy yet passionate. he sat on my lap and started grinding his hips onto my crotch, I guess it came naturally, but god I wish he wasn't such a flirty drunk, we shared hot kisses as he ground onto me, my face growing hotter...along with something else. he kept on though, grinding harder and harder, systematically moving his hips in the best spots, a breathy moan escaped my lingering lips . shit.

"OHHH JOHN" Peggy mocked "IM HERE TOO YA KNOW? THE DARES OVER" she giggled in an overly dramatic tone, lex joining in. quietly, I just absorbed the moment, trying to calm myself down in the least, embarrassment running through me.

"it's your I couldnt resist" alex lectured, glancing at my burning cheeks and smiling seductively. rolling his those legendary hips off me and sitting back to his spot, connecting his fingers with mine discretely.

"JOHN!" o fucc

"why can't you do one????" I whined, a dramatic expression painted on my features

"because I SUGGESTED IT!! truth or dareee????!"

"truthhh." I sighed, a small smirk pulling at my lips.

"how many guys have you been with??????"

I hesitated, what would Alex think? would I be less..desirable...this is shit, but he should be okay with it... I mean, it might be normal... I panicked silently.

"two" I sighed.

I took a glance at Alex, he was surprised, but it didn't seems bad, he seemed non-judgemental about it, I hoped whatever was said next would be bareable.

"t-thats okayyyyyy, your kind n loyallll anndddd gooodddd anndd yeaahhh, soooo its okiiee dokieeee" she slurred, having a little too much (of course)

alex looked up at me his a...happy expression.

"I thought so" he gleamed, kissing me on the cheek once more, making me feel all warm inside. but also, confused as to what the hell he meant.

did he think I wasnt good enough for relationships...does he look at me like some sort of kid? has he been with more? what does he have that I don't? its confusing but I brush it off, maybe ask later.

(this chap was eh, its stupid filler, but the last part leads onto plot, and DONT FORGET THE LAST CHAPTER OK!also thx for reading, i might not post on Saturday, we shall see.)

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