chap 12: "heh...hi!"

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alexs pov

I stepped out of class with nothing but john on my mind, shoving the last of that lesson into my bag and stepping into the hallway.  I came to confront the many students passing through that hall, I know its stupid, but I can't help but despise almost all of them like they had some sort of connection to what happened with John...actually, they did! they spread the rumors, they mocked him and it just made my blood boil. I passed too many prying eyes after that incident, to them I was just the boyfriend of the pussyboy. I know him so much more...but I can't help but feel the least bit of pain because of it. 

I found my way out of campus, heading to the cafe across the busy street. the smells of coffee and donuts flooded my senses before I had even stepped into the calm atmosphere. a coffee shop that was the closest thing to home I had found, decorated with comfy 90s couches pressed close to warmly decorated walls, friendly staff and towering coffee machines filled the place, all topped off with familiar faces chattering away. 

walking in, eventually, I found myself purchased by the glass counter, ordering a muffin for jakie (his favorite, because he really needs it, let's be honest) and a coffee for myself, sliding a tenner to the woman across from me and waiting patiently. 

my orders were slid across to me swiftly, I took them in my hands, turning to see a familiar man, he was somewhat tall, held a kind face and a timid position, holding a hot choc- yup, this is Madison. he stared at me despairingly, we knew each other quite well actually, before he started hanging around with Jefferson, then that was over in a flash.

"er...madison, James Madison, heh...hi!" I regret my own creation that was awkward.

"Yeah ...hey, could I ask something?"

"if you want"

"are you okay, with what happened... I mean, I wasn't connected to it or anything I swear, he just."! a small sigh left his lips and his face took a pained expression" I didn't know Thomas liked him" he said in a whisper, eyes keeping on the floor as we got out of the line, stopping near a table.

"its okay, I know you wouldn't, you really shouldn't talk to Jefferson you know." I feel bad for saying that, but its true, Jefferson only broke the poor man's heart i swear.

"I know, I know, so, are you alright?" he spoke awkwardly

"yeah yeah"I lied "just wish it didn't happen, you know? Thomas is a dick"

he stopped for a second, full of thought. "yeah."

he stopped for a second, once again, as if debating something in his mind before finally coming out with it. I think I knew what he was going to say...fuck.

"it must be a lot for you, cus...don't like Thoma-"

"erm, anyway, nice seeing you bye!" I interrupted, walking away.i was right he said it, ugh.


I rushed out of the cafe with my paper bag and coffee in hand, wishing I hadn't gone there in the first place.

-----------------at Alex's dorm--------------------------------------

the door shut with a bang, I walked in to see a comfortable john snuggled into the sofa, covered by a turtle print blanket, mean girls playing on the tv in front of him. he looked honestly so precious, peaceful, nothing bothering him, his hazel curls spread across the sofa, taking their place on his face as he slept. I smiled sweetly to myself, setting down the muffin and coffee on the table quietly, further examining his freckled features.

"jakie?" I whispered sweetly, giggling to myself at his hazed reaction.

"I got you a muffin if you want it," I said sweetly, pecking his cheek as he tiredly got up.

I sat next to him on the sofa, snuggling into him, watching as his face went a bright shade of red when I did.

johns pov

I hadn't realized that I fell asleep, but hey, I guess only getting 3 hours of sleep has its perks right? today had been boring without Alex, I just wanted to hold him, especially after this morning - my god this morning.

luckily enough i woke up to him, he even brought me a freaking muffin, like, how cute is he? I wish I wasn't such a bother. I would've tacked him with kisses I swear but, my leg still hurt, along with my back. 

after a bit of snuggling, and by that I mean ow my face hurts because it was so red. MY BOYFRIEND went off to do some homework, like usual. its almost like I cant pry him away from it sometimes, he has the best grades, but can't even relax. it felt strange being on my own for the day, simply laying on a sofa, I tried to not think about what happened, and what will happen, just tried to keep a good attitude, it worked...kinda. that's why i didn't want Alex to go do work, I wanted to be with someone. anyways, enough with the deep thinking.

laying on the worn out sofa, entranced into mean girls, I heard a familiar buzz from my phone, probably just a text. grabbing and opening the phone I saw -

notification - imessage - text message -

AnDpEGgy: you wanna hang with everyone? take your mind off things?? I GOT FREE WINE! ILL EXPLAIN LATER, BUT IF U WANA HANG TURTLE BOI, THEN ITLL BE ALOTTA FUN!!

TURTLEBOI: sure. bRING ALL THE WINE. at alexs dorrm?? 


(heyyy guysss wassup! this chapter is eh but the next chapter will be funny I guess, also...DO YOU SENSE THE FORESHADOWING? idk I'm a bad writer lol, anyways, sorry for not posting yesterday, something was going on, plus I have school now so its hard to post, but ill try to post every day! sorry, this chapter is short, I haven't been coming up with many ideas. ALSO...400 READS...WTHHHHHHHHHH WOAHHHHHH THANKYOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!)

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