chap 14: "THE N O R M A L DAY"

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((sorry for not posting a lot has been going on and it has been difficult, that's why I'm releasing two chapters))

johns pov

I woke up in a mess of sticky sweaty sheets, limbs scattered across the dirty bed, next to my boyfriend...heh. my eyes shot open, adjusting to the light that filled the room, I reached over in an attempt to check my phone, to check the time of course...after all, I had lessons today. couldn't help but dread the time, it would be 9 am or 3 pm and I would be completely fucked either way. 

"Jonny boyyyy..morning babe," the fuzzy boy lying across from me said glazed tired eyes gazing over mine and a sleazy smile as he woke up.

"morning." I huffed surprised at my tone, my chest flooding with a feeling of discomfort. whatever.

quickly I reached my hand over to my phone, ripping the charger from its port, feeling the ache taking over my head, hangover..right.

--8:04 am--

holy shit I still have some time before class I thought pulling myself out of bed, placing a soft kiss on Lex's cheek, watching the sweet smile grow on his face. didn't feel the same.

"lex, get ready we got tech in like 20 mins,  can't miss this baby," I said, aware of my unusual tone a little more. receiving a grumble in response I made my way to the shower, maybe that'll help wash off this bitch of a  hangover. hearing even more bittersweet grunts from the bedroom, I removed my hairband and stepped into the cold shower, still hyper-aware of the time.

--time skip to the tech class brought to you by THE INSANELY COOL JARED KLEINMAN--

entering the rapidly charging lesson environment, we sat down onto our usual seats as the people around us FINALLY calmed down. the teacher wasn't in yet so the class pretty much ran ramped. me and lex had always sat next to each other, god he's the only good thing in this class I sware. I examined the class before I felt a familiar pair of lips grace my cheek

"are you okay? you've been a bit strange today."

"yeah, I'm fine."

"soooooooooooo you got a hangoverrr???"


the teacher still hadn't come in, I put my head in my hands and leaned myself on Alex sighing, I just needed him to get through this. I close my eyes for a split second ignoring the many voices echoing around me

"sooo Alex? are you guys actually dating???" I hared a familiar voice question, Mariah Reynolds. I kept my eyes shut, not really being bothered, light hurt. 

"isn't it obvious, yeah we are." i could hear the smile in hsi voice...aww

"Huh. I thought you'd be dating Jefferson..?"

"....well I'm not so shut it.."

"but you and Thomas-"

"Just... shut up Mariah"

"Jesus Christ I'm sorry"



"...hey John? baby?"

I kept my eyes tight shut and decided to ignore that conversation, it didn't mean anything anyway. 

"yeah lex?" I mumbled

"just making sure your awake", he laughed and nuzzled into me. it felt warm and good.

sooner or later my peaceful state had been interrupted by Mr. Washington finally coming in to start our lesson. it really wasn't like him to be late but I didn't put much thought into that as I slowly wrote for the rest of two hours

I and Alex walk down the pathway to the entrance of the lunch hall, my hangover is seemingly gone. we just have a pleasant conversation, like any normal day. I can't help but notice how much things have gotten back to how they were, I'm satisfied but... I don't know...confused, I'm still thinking as we walk through the crowded tables, passing Charles Lee, "king" George sally hemmings and err...thomas Jefferson. I pay no mind, although I notice alexs eyes darting across said table, laying on Jefferson subtly. it's nothing though.

quickly enough we approached our table, containing Peggy, talking about her girl crushes, mulligan and lafayette hand in hand sometimes burr but none of us really like him, and me and Alex...well, NOW me and Alex, as we just sat at the table. we didn't really care for food, just picked up whatever was there, meaning whatever was on our table...wasn't exactly uhh normal. I've been getting used to that still.

"yo Alex,  want this bread?" Peggy questioned, a friendly smile pulling her lips, while herc and laf were sniggering behind her.


"bitch you sound just like my dad, I SAID DO YOU WANT DIS BRED," she said shoving a random piece of bread in front of him, I was practically breaking down in laughter along with the group. we sat down, lex accepting the bread.

"pshhhhh, its good that I sound like your dad"

"errrrrr no. you do not want to meet him" Peggy laughed

"ER MAYBE I DO" Alex dramatically shouted, the group laughing making crude comments along with him.

"Hey, Alex what about your dad then?"

"I don't know."

"what does that mean?? whats your dad liikeeee??" Peggy teased, the others going along with her.

"whatever, he was UH I don't know. jeez just shut up." Alex spits out, a tone drenched in spite and salt. 

after that the group went on with lunch, as usual, I guess alexs dad isn't good, I don't know, I might ask him later, I plan to watch a movie with him alone and snuggle, I figured we both need it. I smiled to myself as I walked out of the lunch hall onto the green with Alex, he seemed a bit off but I'm sure its fine. we both have science class after this. although I know he won't do it, it is strange, he cares so much about grades yet misses science for this club thingy, well that's what he told me but that's all he's told me. I'm just hoping he'll open up soon, its been like 11 mo- I don't really care though, it's all just whatever, I thought as I and Alex parted.

"Hey babe, ill be waiting in our dorm, i got a surprise!" i smirked and winked at him, finally my tone was good. he faintly smiled with a "cant wait" and ran off. this boy has my heart on a leash I swear.


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