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(warning: description of domestic abuse - also the pic is from a helpless animatic)

john pov

the morning sun shone into my eyes as they tiredly pushed themselves open, bathing in the sunlight for a few brief seconds. soft sheets covered my half exposed body, the cotton even smelt of him, I was practically swooning over his sweet scent, I don't think I could ever get used to this. I thought to myself, an amused smirk on my face. I was in alexanders dorm room, the sun shone through the window, coloring his bed in godly shades. I looked around. his desk was still a mess from last night, pens, books, papers, anything and everything covered the floor. these objects lay alongside...some blue trousers...a kings college hoodie...and some boxers...wait what. 

I hesitated whilst the peace in my mind quickly faded...boxers? my eyes swayed around the room, looking for Alexander, to maybe press for more information, I know what happened last night, I know very well what happened, I don't want to remember really, seeing Alex like that- anyways, I don't know where Alex is and that's my priority! I thought as my tired eyes darted around the room

that was until I felt a small pare of warm arms embrace my waist, hugging me tiredly, passionately yet tiredly, I quickly pushed my body closer to his, loving the feeling of his warm embrace, I found it comforting, to know that he was there, ya know? just Alex and me...god it sends butterflies in my stomach... I love it. I slowly turned to face the beautiful man, setting my gaze upon his dazzling brown eyes and light smile, he was dressed in nothing but some baggy black sweatpants, his cheeks were red and so were mine. and I just had to ruin the mood with...

"are you wearing anything under those?" I giggled, remembering the boxers on the floor.

he carefully slid his hand to my cheek, caressing it softly, making me melt in his hands with a passionate gaze "you wanna find out?" he smirked.

okay, I knew Alex was a flirt but god damn, I don't think ill survive.

he planted a sweet kiss on my cheek, making me a blushing mess, then suddenly arose from his bed, slouching in front of me, the same silly smirk across his face, he knew what he was doing to me.

"I'm going to go make breakfast, Aaron burr (SIR), my roommate, might come back soon, I'm not sure though.."

"I hope he doesn't"I smirked, earning a giggle from Alex as he sauntered away.

I don't even know what we have but I like it.


I groggily stepped into the small kitchen, my eyes meeting with a distressed Alexander, trying to get an egg of a frying pan, he had completely burnt it. I watched in awe as the small man, who still hadn't noticed me, got genuinely angry over an egg, muttering to himself as he carefully stabbed a spatula under it. 

I quietly stepped through the small kitchen floor, placing myself behind him, wrapping my hands around his waist, pulling him into me. I could feel his small figure tense up for a second, but then quietly melt into me, I giggled at his antics.

"What did the egg do to you?" I smirked at him

"IT WAS BORN" he responded dramatically, bringing us into a small  fit of laughter

"how about you leave the egg and be with me?" I asked, seeing how far I could go with this.

"bout time you said that" he purred, turning around and pecking my lips

I watched his cheeks turn red as I brought my lips closer to his, the space between us finnally being closed in a passionate kiss, he let my lips trail off, urging for more contact, I left sweet kisses that began to trail from his jaw to his soft neck, I placed small delicate kisses on his soft skin, watching him squirm under me, holding me close, my kisses soon turning to deep love bites, i felt his breathing hitch as he held me closer, tangling his delicate fingers in my curls, edging for me to go further. soft moans escaped from those sweet lips, it was music to my ears as we stood there in the kitchen.

"john...please uh"

i smir-

"HELLO MON FRERE OH MY GOD OH MY SHIT GET OFF HIM" laff burst into the room

our lips were still connected as if wanting to stay, but with a second thought, Alexander pulled away, I examined the panic and embarrassment in his eyes until 


I had no time to realize how laff's firm hand had arisen from its place, how Alexander turned from me in fear, how the shadow of laf loomed over me, how much this would hurt until- 

a familiar hand slapped me across the cheek violently, leaving a stinging sensation and red mark in its tracks. I was practically knocked to the ground in shock, my pleading eyes placed only on Alex as I lay on the kitchen floor, watching everything unfold, too scared of laf to get up. when my father beat me, back in South Carolina, if I got up, he would do it again, and again and again. 

I watched as Alex scolded laff, explaining that I wasn't forcing him, I watched as laff frantically apologized, I watched as they completely ignored me until-

"John, come up, why don't you?" laff signaled

"y-your not going t-to do it...a-again?"

I saw laffs face change in that split second, from one of sympathy to one of guilt, see, my father had visited my dorm once, and from that alone, laf knew my whole childhood, he knew why I was afraid to get up. alexander holding a still confused expression, I hope to the gods I won't have to tell him...not now.

laff quietly sat next to me on the floor, Alex followed, sitting also on the cold hard kitchen floor, accompanying me.

"soo, me and john.." Alex nervously laughed, looking at me for help.

"we are, really something!" I joked, not knowing if I should say dating, or boyfriends because none of that was ever established, we just went about our day...god, what if I'm just a one-day thing?

"well... I have umm.. taken a liking to John, as you saw" Alex explained nervously, stealing short glances at me, all he saw was my loving eyes swooning over him. 

"I also like Alex, as you err..saw." I giggled nervously.

"and we um..yeah" Alex giggled, me joining in, laf looking like he had seen a ghost, I swear to god this guy is too dramatic sometimes.

"Alex... I thought you liked Jefferson" laf whispered, in genuine shock.

"what?" I yelped, feeling practically helpless to Alex now, maybe I was just a one-time thing huh? someone to flirt with.

"I don't, Jesus Christ" Alex hissed back at him. its okay, he doesn't, I thought, reassuringly

we all got up from the kitchen floor, edging our way to the sofa awkwardly, to do a little more explaining, great!

I couldn't help but think about what laff said...

(AHHHHH this wasn't a good chapter, I dont want to have drama after drama after drama but ill try to make things work with this. also yay more fluff, also THANKYOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT AND COMMENTS YOU FEW GUYS ARE AMAZING!!)


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