chap 7: "don't bring hamilbitch"

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(warning: mention of abuse)

johns pov

text - jeffershit: come to my party, it's at like 10 tonight, and duh it's at mine, so if you can come I guess that would be wonderful ;0 , don't bring hamilbitch. don't you dare bring him, or you're not coming in ok? just come and bring your stupid squad.

turtle boi: that'll be fun so yeah I'm going. ill bring my friends if you can handle them. why can't I bring Alex! 

jeffershit: you know exactly why, he's an ass, you're in my fucking debate class I think you know why. don't know why your dating the bastard lol

turtle boi: how do you even know we are dating? and calm the hell down, I get it ok?

jeffershit: I've heard things. anyways, he isn't coming, my party my rules, just deal.

turtle boi: fine but you owe me, this party better be something.

jeffershit: :)))) ill see you darling

turtle boi: fuck off

jeffershit: bitchhhh

a heavy sigh left my lips as I turned off my phone, Thomas is strangely flirty today, probably because I'm with Alex hah, I thought, looking at Alex from across the room, we were supposed to by studying in the library, but Alex had finished before me and ended up examining the endless library shelves, prying for books to read. I watched as he read the blurb of almost every book he came across, focusing more than he should. I sat across from it all on a shared table for students, leaning on a biology paper, having done 2 pages, I was already done for the day. my lovely boyfriend (THAT'S RIGHT BITCHES YA BOI DID IT) had already finished with 14 pages. 

I continued gazing at Alexander, my boyfriend, whilst he went about his duties, gazing at this amazing specimen, THAT WAS MINE.AHH. sorry. he was just skimming through a rather large book when he knocked an even larger one off the shelf, it startled him like a cat, he jumped, letting out a little help, I saw his shirt rise a little when he jerked... god I'm helpless over this boy.

I wolf whistled at him when he bent over to get it. I have no regrets, HES MY BOYFRIEND AND IM STILL FREAKING OUT.

"johhhnnnnn, doonntt"

"why not?" I giggled, loving the sight of his flustered cheeks and sexy smirk.

he smirked then whipped back down the halls. he was wearing cute blue jeans and a short-sleeved white v neck top, I can't lie I was lusting over it.

"hey, um what are you doing tonight?"

"studying, exams are coming up John," he mumbled, putting extra emphasis on "EXAMS"

"you wouldn't mind me, umm going to a lil party"

"that's fine if you wanna FAIL!" he laughed "whos party?"

"jeffershit, but its the first party of the semester so you know it'll be good, I don't even like Jefferson!" 

I saw him furrow his brow at the name, I knew he hated Jefferson to bits, well I know they fight every time they see each other, that's enough evidence for me, I thought, putting my phone away and strutting over through the metal chairs to the cute guy. MY FREAKING BOYFRIEND. again..sorry

"lex... I won't go if you're not, ya know, comfortable with it," I said with a soft smile, wrapping my arms around his neck sweetly, taking his attention off the books for a second, looking him in his cocoa butter eyes.

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