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(warning: suggestion of rape and sexual harassment)

peggy pov

"You sure this is the place...its fucking huge!"

"mon ami, have you met Jefferson?"

"err, yeah... I think"I mumbled sheepishly 

the tall Frenchman walking next to me giggled heartily, as we finally made our way to Jefferson's grand house. it was almost a mansion, believe me, it had everything a house could have...except for the defining music, drunk teens, and well..the party in general. 

we stepped across the stone pathway, coming closer to the atmosphere, I could sense laffs excitement, but not my own. I wore a yellow dress surrounded with a bright flower design, my excessive curls bounced along with it in its high ponytail as he walked.

"do we.." he made a frantic knocking gesture, eyeing me in panic and excitement.

"I think so..should w-" 

too late, laff had already started bashing against the grand door in frantic excitement, he loved a party atmosphere, and of course, he wanted to see jhon. speaking (well..thinking) of John, he had gone early without us, that's just like him I swear, I hope he knows the people in there...yeahhhhh, plus hed do anything to get out of Jefferson's way.

"no answer?"

"nu, wait, I can hear someone.."

and indeed there was a prominent sound of footstepts, coming down stairs it seemed, that took over all the music.

and with that, the door opened to a slightly disheveled, red-cheeked Jefferson his puffy afro hair all over the place, and his tie slightly off, ushering us in, not saying a word. I guess he's drunk already huh? all this before frantically running back up his grand stairs, in a bit of a panic was odd, but this is Jefferson we are talking about.

as we walked laff scowering the room with gleeful eyes, trying to find John but failing as he went off into the crowd.

I was tugged along with him in search for John, through vomiting drunks, through wild dancers and striking party lights across the marble floor of the great house. simply trying to find our small friend amongst all the fuss. we definitely did not fit in.

-----------------------time skip to a few minutes later-----------

we sat at a glass table in the glamorous kitchen, almost away from it all. so, an update, we still hadn't found John, which was peculiar because the guy almost always found us, he was skilled. and also because he said he was here, texted it, to be exact.  and we weren't enjoying the party without him.

"you think he left?" I muttered drearily. "I've texted him about a thousand times but he hasn't answered!"

"I just do not know....this party is feeling comme de la merde" he mumbled back, french slipping out of his drunk system.  

we sat there for a good few minutes thinking until -

"Lafayette? marquis de Lafayette? didn't know you'd be here!"

"madison? yes yes, hello." he greeted glumly

"whats up with you guys, come join me!"

"actually, we are looking for John, maybe later"I smiled, glancing to laff for any protest.

"John? pfff, he's long gone already!" Madison laughed, with a wink? 


"you know ..." he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows... I know he's drunk but this isn't a good joke.

I arose from my seat, anger bubbling inside me, I didn't know where my friend was and this bitch was making a joke of him. really? I shifted from my place to madison., confronting him head on, he was shorter than me anyway.

"where the hell is John," I whispered through slightly gritted teeth, shooting him a glare, whilst laff watched, nervously.

"with Jefferson...upstairs, now get off me hussy!"  he pushed me away violently, placing a firm hand on my stomach. 

johns pov

he won't stop. I told him to stop. now we are on his bed, my limp body pressed up against magenta silk sheets as his hands flow up and down my body lustfully, the door is closed, his hips are pressed forcefully against mine, grinding into me with a drunk passion. I can taste the alcohol on his lips as they smash into mine. I cant breathe and I don't want shaking and shivering at every movement, tears springing out of my eyes at every advance, my body is still and in pain. words develop in my mouth but never come out. he just won't stop, and i cant stop him. his hands are going further down.

"jhon?!" I hear a familiar voice through the wall

"jhon, you up here?"


I let out an escaping moan, it's desperate and laced with pain, it's all I can get out, but its loud enoup-


"we don't want them hearing us babyboy, so keep your mouth shut." he hissed, holding my face firmly with one strong hand, leading my eyes to his. his face held a smirk.

"John? was that you?!!"

"SHUT UP WE ARE KINDA DOING SOMETHING, COME BACK LATER" I saw Thomas hiss out to the voice. following that, I heard a sigh of pure disappointment and footsteps trailing down the stairs.

he turned back to me, smirking.

peggy pov

john Laurens cheating on alexander hamilton? not something I thought was ever going to happen, I mean, he was head over heels for the man, literally. why the hell would he cheat on him at a party we were going to...why the hell would he fuck Jefferson, he hates the guy, doesn't he? am I telling laf about this? am I going to tell Alex? I know this sounds stupid as well, but, I feel betrayed, I mean I trusted John, and he has just hurt Hamilton more than anyone ever could, just now. one of my friends hurting one of my friends. we literally spent hours looking for him, and this is what he was doing? that insensitive little bitch. how could he just do that, without even thinking of anyone, without thinking about Alex, about us? jesus christ, I bet the only reason he was so eager to get here was to fuck Jefferson without us knowing huh? I can't lie I'm pissed I thought as I stomped down the not so grand any more stairs, dreading what I was going to tell the others.

I saw Arron burr and Theodosia running down the stairs frantically, looking almost terrified, they bashed into me vigorously on their way down, only summoning up a short sorry for almost knocking me down completely. 

"what the fu-"

"PEGGY!" a small man shouted, tears flowing down his red cheeks, a face of pure terror on his freckled features, shaking violently, clothes half ripped off, his jeans very nearly pulled off, it was John Laurens in the flesh.

I rushed over to him, hugging his shaking body tightly, whatever had happened to him, it was far from what I had been told.

" hey hey..its okay, its okay, calm down, you're safe here. what happened?"

"h-h-he d-d-did sss" the boy trembled, barely getting a sentence out over the tears flooding out of his system 

"JOHN WHAT THE FUCK?" I heard a booming voice from above the stairs, it was none other than Thomas Jefferson in all his disgusting glory.

oh, someones gonna die tonight.


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