chap 9: "say hi to Tommy for me"

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john pov

the college halls are an unkind place, it's rare to admit that when you've survived in them for so long...but when the prying eyes of every student are set on you, and only you when you walk down those halls. well, let's just say, you quickly find out how hard it can be.

its the next day, and I'm walking through the bland halls this morning, just trying to get to my class alone, dressed in an oversized top and sweatpants, hair flowing out of place. I kept my head held low, looking onto the cold floor with traces of sorrow, it clouded my mind like thunder on a sunny day. all I wanted to do was get to my class, I didn't even want to be here anymore.

"heard Jefferson did you hard!" some cold soul laughed from across the room, surrounded by cold shells of human beings that laughed along.

"say hi to Tommy for me"

"did it feel good?"

"I'm surprised you can still walk"

"Jefferson did you good, didn't he?"

"hey pussyboy"

"go suck off Jefferson"

"aren't you supposed to be with Tommy boy"

"heard you did it for hours"

"how long did you last?"

every comment absorbing into me as I passed by, every word inflicting me individually, every laugh, every look, every gesture done behind my back. each insult a reminder,  i held my breath and kept on going, keeping in the shallow sobs, rejecting the urge to hide away, from everyone.  

like I said, the hallways can be an unkind place, especially for someone who had rejected  Thomas Jefferson.

I sat in my seat, a hollow shell of who I was yesterday, sighing glumly and looking down to the wooden desk in front of me, I sat in a wildly decorated classroom filled with plain students, students who have nothing else better to do than to-

"Thomas Jefferson?"

"present," a low and confident voice said, his signature smirk masking his voice in a sugary sweet tone, so fake and toxic it could kill me slowly.

I wouldn't dare look at the man. I kept my head down to my notes, my wrist rushing to write anything it could, trying to flow the abscess in my mind onto the blank paper. rushing around, careful not to even glance at any of the smug faces staring my way.

after being laid down into my bed shaking, I set asleep and hadn't talked to anyone since, not even my roommate, not even my boyfriend, though I'm sure this time he knew what was going on, if the whole place knew some distorted version, then he would too. after this class, I have 2 free periods then a lecture on philosophy. but right now that's the least of my worries. I thought during the lesson, I hadn't really done much but think, and of course, wait for an end to this torture.

my feet dragged across the pavement to our dorm building. you know, nothing had changed since that lesson like I had hoped, I felt powerless to the world around me, like, I needed to take a stand but had no legs to do so, I felt helpless, but that doesn't mean I wasn't able to fight.or at least try to. 

peggy pov

I took the hot drink into my hands, thanking the barista and making my way back to our table.

"what took you so long?"

"erm nothing, was I long?" I replied cautiously because I just had to be perfect around them, didn't I?

I sat down on the cold metal chair, my sunny yellow dress enveloping the metal bars. I, and my sisters are out, I don't even know why we need to get out together?? we are sisters for gods sakes, isn't that enough, I have other things I want to do besides this, I have other things I need to do! this shit can wait. deep in my thoughts, I sipped my bitter coffee gingerly as my sisters, the almighty Eliza and angelica, went on about...god knows what. I wish I wasn't here, I wish I could see my friends. 

"can I go?"

"why on earth would you need to go?" angelica laughed

"well, my friends-"

"don't be silly Margarita" (that's Peggy's actual name btw)

 I groaned at my name, rolling back my eyes and taking a look out onto everyone else around . freedom. 

"Besides, you haven't talked to us in ages!" Eliza's kind eyes scolded, shooting me a disappointed glare from across the glass table. which wasn't new, ever since Alex broke up with her, she's been salty, I don't mind though.

"Eliza we live together, I think that's enough, I gotta see my friends" I shot back

"I'm sure they are fine without you" angelica tutted in, beginning to gracefully tie her curls up, taking her graceful eyes off us.

"I'm sure john's having fun" Eliza spat, words so shady I needed a fucking torch, but needless to say, it hurt, after having seen John in a state like that, then hearing the rumors, I was disgusted.

"you don't know what happened so shut up" I shot, leaving the table

finally, an excuse to leave.

I trotted out of the cafe confidently, freedom. my mind racing with what I was going to do next, Alex hadn't answered my texts, nor had John, and physically, John won't even utter a word to me, which I can understand, considering what happened. I've just got to make sure Alex has the right idea of what actually happened, we had no time to tell him.

passing the many buildings of kings college, a fight, with people crowding around shouting, which was odd, but not too odd, and Jefferson and his mates, which I casually flipped them off whilst I walked, because, let's be real, they deserved it, I finally got to the dorm building.

------------------skip to johns dorm------------

john had given me the key to his dorm, as he had mine as well because we trusted each other with our lives, so it was easy for me to just step into his dorm, I didn't have to knock. I looked inside his messy dorm bedroom, passing laf and greeting the Frenchman on my way, I could see tear marks on his pillow, his bedsheets were all over the place. now, John is not an organized person, by any standards but, this wasn't the norm. I looked around his carpet, noticing an array of items scattered on the floor. definitely different from how we left it when helping him in last night. I expected to see John, I was ready to help him and talk, to give him the support he needed, but there was nothing there.

just a small blood stain on his sheets.

(DUUUNN DUUN DIUUUUUUUUUUN, this chapter is terrible, mostly filler I guess, don't worry, things will be fluffy again, but not now, and I promise not to make this generic, ya know? but lord help me because I have been staying up later to write these things and I'm losing motivation. also, MORE THAN 200 PEOPLE HAVE READ THESE CHAPTERS SOOO YAY THX KEEP GOING!, oh yeah, and I made a title page look-)

 also, MORE THAN 200 PEOPLE HAVE READ THESE CHAPTERS SOOO YAY THX KEEP GOING!, oh yeah, and I made a title page look-)

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the art is NOT MINE, it says the artist's name on johns arm.)

btw there won't be a new chapter tomorrow due to school starting, BUT I WILL POST ONE AFTER TOMMARROW AND CONTINUE DAILY :))))

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