chap 3: "that's fucking hot.."

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(in this chapter, they get drunk, so I just gotta say that it isn't underage)

john pov

did you know that when Alex laughs, his pupils dilate? or that when he is angry he pouts a little? or when he's really relaxed he acts almost drunk? or when- well, you get it now. but you didn't have the joy of seeing all these things for yourself, I did, we talked every tech class, and almost any time we could, including late at night....that's right ya boi has his phone number absolutely loving where i am with him now, but i can't help but think of what a relationship with him would be like? i guess i just yearn for that bond, and right now...I'm aiming to get it.  flirting is nothing new between us, but its almost always just jokes, I want it to be, since that fateful day, Alex and I grew closer, a lot closer, I'm talking, he was part of my friend group now. months before, if you told me I would be hanging with Alexander every day, I would've just laughed in your face...but in all seriousness, who knew? we had this strange bond that i never really got with people, and with that...well, I'm not ashamed to say that my crush just grew stronger, I thought about him every night, hell..hE'S MY PHONE WALLPAPER

the only bad thing - ever since we started hanging out more, there has been more, how do I put this...sexual tension between us. I don't know if its just me that feels it but, damn... it's genuinely hard to handle. 

------------------------time skip to jhons dorm, with the gang tm--------------------------------


the whole group erupted into drunk laughter, each of us sat on the wooden floor of my dorm, which was real uncomfortable, we didn't really care though because, well, when your drunk out of your mind with some mates, nothing matters. me, Alex, Peggy, laff, and herc were sitting on the floor in a circle, at least 15 empty beer cans surrounding us as we all laughed our asses off, I have to admit, drunk Alex is really something.

I watched as he squirmed on the floor, roaring with laughter, accompanying the others, red-faced and out of his mind, it's amusing because it took me about 30 drinks to get like that, he only drank 6.

"Jesus ham, you cant handle beer, I'm calling WASHINGTON ON YOU" i said, creating another wave of laughter

"i cant really disagree Alex " herc chucked to Alex in a fit of laughter, everyone in the group nodding in an agreement, giggling, all the same, waiting for the tipsy little man's response

"WELL WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS, IM REPORTING YOU TOO...UHH MADISON!" Alex screamed at me, a grin playing on his features

"Madison? if he's not sick AGAIN then GOO AHHEADDD" Peggy blurted out, following woops from laf and herc

"WELL UHHHHHHHHHH THEY ARE KINDA IN SOUTH CAROLINAA, SOOOO ITLL B PRETTY HARD 2 TELL EM ALEX" i laughed, Alex was sat right across from me whilst Peggy sat next to him, and herc and laf had there own stupid conversation at the back...I'm not sure I wanted to hear it. quite suddenly, Alex's drunk features changed into one of curiosity, a glint in his eye, an emotion I couldn't quite tell.

"well, where the hell has your accent gone off to then eh?? YA LIAR" he grinned, looking at me suspiciously in the eye. I usually hid the accent a lot, it only really showed when I was tired or really drunk, I just didn't want to be judged, that's so pathetic. alex seemed interested, so I -

"Oh honey baby boy, would I ever lie to a sweet face like yours?" I said with the thickest Carolina accent I could, with a wink at the end, oh this was just beautiful.

peggy whooped me on in excitement - she ships it...hard- i examined alex s sweet features for a reaction, and to my siurprise, he actually didnt laugh, his face grew an almighty shade of red, he looked down, as if seriusoly embarrased for some reason, and whispered something.

"what was that darlin'?" i continued, satisfied by his meek reaction.

"that was fucking hot"

"it can get hotter"

"what are you waiting for?"

I crawled over to him, desperately trying to seductive, I don't know what I was thinking, I was on my hands and knees, slowly and seductively crawling closer, swaying my hips as i went closer with a smirk playing on my lips, watching him as he drunkenly squirmed around. I placed a hand on his jaw, trailing it across his soft skin... I watched as his face grew red, his plump lips pulling into a seductive smile, eyes relaxing.

jesus christ what the hell was I doing, I really am drunk now

 after placing my hand seductively on his jaw, I bit my lip then--------------------------------------- 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

alex pov

10:28 am

my head is pounding  - hangover -as I open my eyes to a familiar white ceiling, looking around, the light practically blinds my eyes causing yet another sharp pain in my head, I am laying on the wooden floor of johns dorm, along with jhon and Peggy, who haven't woken up yet. empty beer cans surround us - 

what the hell happened last night?

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