chap 2: "wait...what?"

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jhons pov

after class I and Alex walked together to our dorms...sorry, I cant say it like its normal, because it's not, Alex walked with me!we had the longest conversation, literally, I made him laugh, it was almost orgasmic to see his sweet lips curve into laughter because of me. I can't believe he actually walked with looks like ya boi is finally getting somewhere.

 I walk slowly with him, his hands flapping almost everywhere as he rants about Jefferson. god, I loved the way he looked when he was passionate about something, all hot and flustered. i had seen it in class, but god darn I never thought it see it up close, I savoured every moment, listening contently, happy to just hear his melodic voice. we walk across the park, the sun shining pleasantly on his small figure as we talk, a light blush on my cheeks and a beautiful smile spread across his. we pass Jefferson and his gang, flipping them off and running until we get into the building which holds our dorms. a grey statue that towered above us, a grim reminder that the conversation was almost at an end, well shit.

"alex..w-whats your dorm number?"

"its err, 1776 on the 3rd floor"

"we can walk there, mine is on the third floor too! why haven't I seen you, man?" I exclaim, excitement filling me, have I been blessed, what kind of poor god is behind this? whatever god it was I owed them my life and more. I had more time with Alex, and WE ARE ON THE SAME GODDAM FLOOR.

 as we lazily walked to our dorms, up the towering stairs, alone, he explained how he had to move dorms because his roommate, Samual Seabury, who was homophobic, all as his arms slightly brushed against mine. I loved every minute of it. thanks for being such a dick, Samuel. I thought slyly as we approached my dorm.

alex pov

I had always discretely noticed jhon, after all, he was stupidly hot, from his uncontrollable curls to his tall muscular body. I would never imagine that I would be even talking to the John Laurens for even longer than 5 minutes, and the best part? nothing bad happened...the world didn't end, I didn't die, jhon actually took a liking to me! jesus I was so hot and bothered, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as we walked together our arms slightly touching as i did the best i could for conversation, I normally always knew what to say, but with him, i practically lost my brain.., I knew jhon did some sports, so his red cheeks made sense. yeah, that was it. anyway, after walking for what seemed like forever, we finally got to johns dorm.

I wanted this boy to be mine

"Hey, we should hang out more!" I laughed, I laugh when I'm nervous and I just hate myself for it...

"that would be...great!" jhon giggled, I saw his piercing green eyes light up as they stared into mine.

he quickly opened his dorm door to my dismay, keeping it open before leaving, for a quick wave goodby-

"MON AMI WHO IS THAT" I heard an extremely familiar voice call from his dorm before seeing a man with puffy black hair pulled into a bun, cocoa skin and a white shirt with the French flag on it rush to the door

lafayette, my adopted brother, oh my fucking god

john pov

standing by my dorm door, i was hooked on alex and his seductive eyes, my heart was on my sleeve as I lingered by the door, not wanting to say goodbye, why would i want to, I was still freaking from how this amazing man seems even slightly just fucking interested in little old me, the awkward kid who likes turtles - I thought, and just as I thought that my favourite fighting Frenchman came bursting through the door, what the actual hell..

"brother? mon frère where have you been??!!"

"laf come here, sweet Jesus I haven't seen you in like...a century!"

they hugged like it was there last day on earth, how in the hell was laf his brother? I cant make that connection and I won't even try. this is all too baffling. I watched as they spoke quick french to each other, huge smiles painted on hair faces, I've honestly never seen Alex this happy, it was actually quite a nice sight, how his voice perked up and his eyes truly lit. happiness is infectious and soon I was smiling like an idiot with them

"what the hell is going on...?" I laugh, still as confused as I was from the start.

" come on mon frere, ill explain this inside mon ami" laf giggled, gesturing inside our messy dorm, a bright smile still prominent on his features as he lead us both in. me growing into a hot bloody mess because shit alexander hamilton was going to be in my dorm, near my bed... I also still needed to know what the fuck is going on!

I sat on the sofa next to Alexander Hamilton and my dorm mate laf as they explained how when they arrived in America, they had both been taken in by the one and only gorge Washington. needless to say, my mouth stood open throughout it all. 

I knew Alex was an immigrant, Thomas had called him out on it in a debate once, and I knew laf had connections to Washington, but I didn't know that they were adopted brothers...adopted by Washington. wow, I knew life in college was a shit show I didn't know it was this much of one.

still processing what I had just been told, my mind swam from conclusion to conclusion, what if now Alex has laf he won't need me anymore, what if he was only hanging out with him for laf, what if- my swimming thoughts were interrupted by an almost volcanic eruption of laughter. laff swinging his head back on the sofa, giggling uncontrollably whilst a slightly disheveled Alex stared at me, covering his cute giggles with his hand helplessly. he was red in the face, pieces of his hair that had flown out of his bun moved with him, he was beautiful and all but Jesus Christ what were they laughing at, what did I do..?

"im.. so sorry John but, your face!" he said in between giggles, laff laughed harder, okay I just felt insulted now, I was in serious thought, and this isn't w-

"YOULOOKEDLIKEYOUWEREGUNNACUMORSOMETHING!" Alex screeched out, well shit, I can never have good things can I?

and without thinking I made the worst decision of my life and said:

" you'd like to see me cum wouldn't you Alex?" I growled oh shit.

"maybe so" he purred with a wink. 

laff was still laughing and now I was because what the fuck could I say to that...

( hi guys thanks for reading this, I don't really like this chapter tbh, but I know for sure that the next one will be fluffy. JUST YOU WAIITTT, i think it was a lil too descriptive.)

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