Chapter 31: Oops

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Since Peter wasn't available, I went out by myself to clear my head.

I sat on the top of a building, with my mask in my hands.

I though about what my dad had said, when I told him about Flash knowing my secret.

'We'll monitor him, don't worry about it.'

I told him that I didn't know how Flash knew, but that's a lie.

I know how. And its all my fault.

-Flashback To Thursday-

"Peter, can we talk?" I asked him, pulling him into the library. I looked around. Good, no one's in here.

"Yeah, what about?"

"I wanna tell Ned and Michelle. About me."

"What do you mean?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"About me being a Stark." I whispered.

"What? That's insane! Why?"

"Because, they've already came to 'my house'," I used finger quotations. "And met my dad, which is actually just Clint pretending to be. I'm surprised nobody has recognized him yet. And, I trust them."

"Look, Y/N. It's probably not a good idea to do that. What if someone else finds out? Do you really want to risk that?

"No, I guess not," I mumbled. "Come on, let's get to class."

-End Of Flashback-

Well. Sure seems like a big risk now.

"Y/N, there seems to be a robbery at a deli shop down the street," Xavia spoke into my ear.

"On it" I said, putting on my mask.

Finally. Something to do.

I flew down to the ground, landing in a superhero pose I've been practicing.

"Sup guys. Getting a sandwich?" I asked, stepping into the store.

"Quicksilver. Queens' newest superhero, and Avenger trainee? Its an honor," One of them said.

"That's me. Now I'm going to have to ask you to stop what you're doing. Ok?"

"No thanks," said the big one.

All 6 of them pulled out guns, aiming them at me.

"Ok, look, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way."

"The hard way."

I then heard six gunshots.

I tapped a button on my watch, which started playing music in my earpieces.

I walked up to each one of them.

One guy, I moved the gun out of his hand, poking him in the face.

I made two guys face each other, dropped their weapons, and placed their fists on each other's faces.

Once they were all paced, and I moved the bullets out of the way, I slowed down.

I love that feeling, when I use my super speed. It's like the whole world was in slow motion, and I was in a regular pace.

All of them landed with a thud on the ground, once I stopped.

"Fine. The hard way," I laughed. "Xavia, get the cops down here to get rid of these thugs, please.

"Right away."

"Well, my job here is done."

I stopped my music, and walked back out onto the street.

I think that might've been the fastest I've ever gone. Now, I can dodge bullets, and help others do stuff like that. I'm basically invincible.

Well, most of the time. If I'm focused.

This, this is not one of those times.

There was another shot, and I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. Again? I just healed from getting shot like a week ago.

-Peter's POV-

"So, when are you going to tell Y/N?"

"Tell her what?" I asked Ned, placing a piece of LEGO on the new millennium falcon, that we never finished.

Aunt May cancelled, she got called into work, so I invited Ned over to hang out.

"That you like her."

"I'm not. She doesn't like me anyways," I sighed.

"I'm not so sure about that," he laughed. "She stares at you dude. A lot."



Then, there was a bang on my window.

I turned my head towards it.

It opened, on its own.

Well, not on its own.

"Peter," Y/N gasped, falling on the ground.

She was wearing her suit, mask in hand, clutching her side.

"What the hell?" I said, pulling her to the bathroom.

Ned dropped the LEGO structure, causing it to fall to the ground.

"You're, you're Quicksilver?!"

She nodded, and fell limp in my arms.

"Ned, I'm going to Stark tower, I'll be back."

"Why do you need to go there?"

"Uhhh, maybe because she lives there?!" I grabbed my Spiderman mask, and pulled it on.

"What do you mean, she lives there?" he asked, confused.

I noticed my shirt was now soaked in her blood, and her pulse was slowing down.

"Look don't tell anyone, and I mean anyone. Tony Stark is her dad. Gotta go, see you in a bit."

I jumped out the window, hearing a big 'what??!!' from Ned.


(A/N): I feel bad for not posting as much, so here's another one!

Also, thank you so much for the sweet comments on my chapters, or any comments really. it really means a lot to me, and it just makes me really happy. I never expected to get this far, certainly not to almost 4k reads??!!!!

anyways, comment and vote

thanks for reading,


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