Chapter 34: Homecoming

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(A/N): Ok so earlier today I looked on my Wattpad, around when I posted the one in the morning, and my book had about 4.26k reads. And then, when I posted the second chapter today, it had around 4.32k reads. And now I'm here, sitting at my computer, about to upload this chapter, and BOOM. 4.41K READS HITS ME IN THE FACE. LIKE SERIOUSLY, WTAF. LIKE 200 READS IN 7 HOURS?!?! HOW?!?!?!

This may seem small, or not a big deal, but to me, this is. You guys have no idea how much this means to me. I'm actually about to cry, from all the love and support.

I also try to reply to all your comments, I really enjoy reading them.

I just wanted to say thank you sooooo much, again. It really does mean a lot.

"You look beautiful, Y/N. And your hair really suits you," Peter smiled at me, holding the car door open.

"Thanks, Pete. You"

"Oh! Th-thank you?"

"You're welcome. And its true. You look good in everything," I mumbled, blushing.

"So do you. The badass-kind of look works for you."

"I try," I laughed sarcastically.

"You can stop flirting now, we're here."

"Thanks Happy! See you later!" I called, stepping out of the car.

"Don't have too much fun!" he waved at us, then drove off.

"Wanna go inside?" I asked Peter.

"Yeah," I grabbed his hand. "And by the way, I'll have to leave you for a bit, Gwen asked me to sing a duet."

"Really? What song?"

"You haven't heard it, it's one of the ones that I wrote."

"Well, I'm sure it'll be great."

"We'll see."

I was nervous, because the song I had wrote, was actually about Peter.

"Hey!" Ned yelled once we got inside the gym.

"Hi, Ned. Where's Michelle?" I asked.

"I dunno. Probably reading in the corner."

"Doesn't sound like her at all," Peter chuckled.


"You want some punch?" Peter asked me.

"Oof, no thanks. It's spiked."

"How do you know?"

"I just do," I smiled. "Oh, Michelle. Nice of you to finally join us."

She came over to the table us three were sitting at, and sat down beside Ned.

"Yeah, whatever. This is lame."

"You think everything is lame," Ned laughed.

I looked around. There were drunk teenagers everywhere, and the smelled of alcohol stung my nose.

The music was loud, and unbearable.

An upbeat pop song was playing, but then smoothly transitioned into a slow song.

"D-do you want to d-dance?" Peter asked me, swallowing roughly.

"Of course," I replied, taking his hand.

He led me to the dance floor, and wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me close against his torso.

I looked up at his face. He gave me a sweet smile when our eyes met.

His face slowly grew closer to mine, until his forehead was against mine. His eyes were still locked to mine, and I could feel his shaky breath on my skin.

Suddenly, I felt his velvet soft lips press to mine, leading me in a long, tender kiss. As we continued to kiss, I ran my hands through his soft hair, tugging slightly. I felt him smile against my lips, and I did too.

We both pulled away, as I tried to control my breathing.

"Wow, that was, amazing," he gasped.

"Yea, it really was. Best kiss I've ever had."

"That was the only kiss I've ever had, but it was the best."

"That was your first? Oh my god, how?"

"So it wasn't bad?"

"No, it wasn't bad. At all."

"Y/N, I-I uhm,"

"Yeah, Pete?" I looked into his chocolate brown eyes.

" you," he muttered, looking away.

"Well, yeah, I know. Why else would've you kissed me?"

"Th-that's true," he chuckled.

"Well, I like you too. I have for a long time."

He kissed me again, this time more...slow.

"Sorry to interrupt, guys, but can I steal Y/N? Were up in 10 minutes."

"Yeah, yeah, go ahead. Good luck! Not that you'll need it."

Gwen grabbed my arm, pulling me away from him. I turned around, giving Peter a small smile, and watching as he rocked back and forth on his feet, with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

I touched my lips, grinning stupidly, trying to snap back into reality, and realize what had just happened.

(A/N): Sorry, this is kind of short. And i swear, this time you and Peter actually kissed.

thanks for reading

- Spencer

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