Chapter 3: Dinner

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-Your POV-

I sat down at the table, next to Peter. After everyone sat down, we all started to eat. Well, not everyone. Dad wasn't here yet still wasn't here, and I assumed he was working, or something. As if he was cued, my dad then walked out of the elevator.

"Ayeeee, there he is!," Cap greeted him.

"That's gay," I said quietly and laughed, and Peter choked on his drink and snorted.

They finally sorted everything out, which was good.

"Yeah, sorry I'm late guys," My dad responded, as he took the empty seat, the head of the table obviously. Son of a bitch.

After that, we pretty much just had a normal family dinner conversation. Even when we finished eating, we remained seated. It's nice how calm things are now.

"So," Thor began. "Y/N, are you excited for your first day of school on Monday?"

Suddenly, all eyes were on me.

"No," I replied.

At my old school, I was the person who was considered to be a smartass, since I corrected my teachers when they made mistakes. Also I talked back a lot, which believe it or not, I've been trying to control

After all, I am Tony Stark's daughter. I guess I inherited a lot of his Intelligence and sassiness, and I'm not complaining. 

I didn't have that many friends, either. Only two, Amanda, and Casey. I know they didn't really like me though. It was the type of friendship where you talking at lunch and between classes, but we never did anything outside of school. But whatever, it is what it is. I'm hoping that this year at this new school I'll meet new people, and just start over.

I fought a few kids, too. It  really pisses me off when the popular kids pick on the 'losers' for literally no reason. I know some hand-to-hand combat, from training.

I usually train 3 times a week, doing cardio, sparring, and fitness exercises.

Each avenger takes turns teaching me, except my dad, and Bruce. 'The other guy' is a little too advanced for me. Or anyone, really.

"Well, don't worry kiddo, Peter will be there to help you. I'm assuming you are getting along well?" My dad questioned, grinning.

"I don't need help, dad," I said, and looked up at him. "And We've known each other for less than 24 hours, so things are fine so far.

Peter and I looked at each other, awkwardly. He seems like a genuinely nice person, but... I don't know, he's awkward.

"Fair enough. Alright." my dad clapped his hands. "Let's get out of here. Drinks, anyone?"

And a mere 20 minutes later, Peter and I were left alone, when the Avengers went out doing god knows what.


I was sitting on the couch, while checking Instagram on my phone or playing random games. Peter sat across from me, and every so often he would open his mouth as if he was going to say something, but then he'd close it right after.

That went on for a good half hour, after finally, he said something.

"Hey, do y-you wanna watch a movie or something?" He looked nervous, and avoided eye contact.

"Sure," I responded without looking up from my phone. "Friday, any suggestions? Something that Peter and I will like."

"Yes, Ms. Stark. I believe Mr. Parker and you would be interested in Pitch Perfect?"

I love this movie, sorry

I glanced at Peter, raising an eyebrow.

"I haven't seen that, but alright," he smiled.

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