Chapter 8: ship

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Chapter 8

-Your POV- (3 days later)

It had been a couple days since 'the incident' and I feel fine, surprisingly. Bruce and Tony were doing their best to find out what I'm capable of, and what I can do. I've had training and exercises with Natasha, while I was being closely monitered. Peter also helped out, but he had school so he wasn't there all the time.

We had decided that I will start at midtown next week, instead of this week. It was a good idea. What if I had an 'episode' at school? Or something weird happens?

I pinned Nat for the 7th time for a row, not even panting.

"Well, I'd say she obviously got the super soldier powers," she said, standing up.

"Probably," said Bruce.

I was proud of my work, and was getting used to my 'powers'.

We had learned that I have super strength, endurance, and reflexes.

They were pretty close what peter could do, minus the climbing walls.

I still felt off, like there was something I was missing. I almost felt empty, like a part of me wasn't there.

"Good job, kiddo. Why don't you go get changed then hang out with Peter or something?" My dad said to me.

I nodded, grabbed my things and left.

-Tony's POV-

"Did you guys see that?" I asked, making sure Y/N was gone.

"Yes, I think she has more powered than we realized." Natasha said.

"Definitely. I was monitering her brain activity, and it was going through the roof when she was sparring with you, Nat." Bruce added.

"Me too. It's like she knew what I was going to do next."

We continued chatting about the possibilities, and what abilities Y/N might also have.

"Alright, I'm calling a team meeting," I concluded. "Go gather the team, except Peter. Keep him with Y/N, and keep her distracted. I don't want her to worry."

-Your POV-

I left the gym, and went to my room. I decided to take a shower, so I hoppped in.

Around 10 minutes later, I put on some comfy clothes and went out to the living room to find Peter.

He was sitting on the couch with his suit again, with some tools

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He was sitting on the couch with his suit again, with some tools.

"Hey," I said.

He flinched, apparently he didn't see me coming.

"Holy shit, where'd you come from?" He muttered just loud enough for me to hear.

"Relax, spider boy," I laughed while sitting down next to him.

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