Chapter 25: Oh god

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(A/N): Just a warning, some mentions of assault.

-A few days later-

"New this morning, Spiderman seems to have a partner, Quicksilver, announced by none other than Tony Stark, early this morning," Betty Brant spoke into the camera, which was streaming the latest school news.

I looked over to Peter, and he gave me a light laugh, shaking his head.

"And don't forget to buy homecoming tickets, now on sale," Jason Ionello concuded.

Shit. Homecoming. Flash was probably going to ask me.

"Ok, class, is everyone's projects handed in?" Our biology teacher, Mr Turcotte asked.

I glanced over to Flash, and he winked at me. We'd finished ours a while ago. Well, more like I finished it a while ago. Flash was smart and all, but he was better at math.

I rolled my eyes, and looked away. I sneaked a peek at Peter, he was watching some video on his laptop.

I chuckled. What a dork. An adorable dork.

To be honest, I don't know why the hell im ignoring my feelings for Peter. It took a lot for me not to run my fingers through his brown locks, and pull him close, smashing my lips onto his passionately.

It's possible to like two people at once, right?


The bell rang, and I started to pack up my stuff when Peter came up to me.

"Hey," he greeted me.

"Parker," I nodded back.

"So, um, I've gotta tell you something."

"Ok?" I replied, swinging my bag on my back, walking out of the class with him following me.

"I-I, I'm moving back in with my aunt May today. So we won't live together anymore."

"Oh," I mumbled, trying not to sound hurt. That means less time with him. At least, I can still go do rounds with him.

"Yeah, it sucks. N-not that my aunt sucks! She's great, it's just, I'll miss you. Even though we'll see eachother almost everyday, but, uh, yeah, you know, you should meet her, she'll love you," he gushed.

"Ok," I blankly responded, opening my locker.

"Are you ok?" He asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, mhm, fine," I muttered, placing my textbooks inside.

"Ok, well I've gotta go find Ned quickly. Talk later?"


"Bye!" He called, running down the hallway.

I sighed, takin a deep breath and slammed my locker shut.

"Holy shit!" I jumped, when Flash 'appeared' from behind my locker door.

"Hey, gorgeous."

"Hi," I smiled.

"So, you wanna come over tonight? My parents are going out, and I picked out a bunch of movies for us to watch. You like Star Wars, right?"

I grinned widely. See? He's nice.

"Sure, text me the details, I've got to get to class."

If only I had known what tonight had in store, I would've never gone to his house.


"Y/N! Come in," Flash said as he opened the door.

I stepped inside, to see blankets and snacks in the living room.

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