We had made a lot of upgrades to our new home but not all of us got to see it. After the fight, we had lost many of our people. 34 to be exact, and 3 that had died when we went to look for answers. I walk around to the graveyard and put down a flower on each grave every day, just to be nice. I never actually go to know any of them.
I hear rustling behind me. I quickly turn around and raise my gun. It's Bellamy. "What are you doing out of bed?" I demand.
"I just wanted to see the graves everyone was telling me how there was this big fight with those people we saw in the trees." He explained. Aand also, I wanted to see you." He said as he walked over to me. He stumbled a bit and I caught him with my arm so he didn't fall. He stood back up and our eyes met.
"You shouldn't be out here, your in really bad shape." I say to him. He gives me a look that says I don't care.
"I could say the same to you." He points at where the spear hit my arm. "If that guy hadn't fell out you would have been dead." He says.
"Yeah well he did and I'm just fine. It's just a scratch anyways not a bullet wound in the stomach." I say defensively. "Now seriously can you go back home." He looks at me with the once again I don't care. "For me… Please." He finally turns back and I help him walk back.
We walk past a group of kids huddled around a few boys fighting.
"Hey!" Bellamy yells. "What is going on here! Get back to work!" They were supposed to be working on the shelter. A kid turns to us and says that the shelter is done and they don't have any work to do. Bellamy walks in to the center of the group, pulls out his gun and shoots it up into the sky. They all stop "If i see anyone ever doing this again then there will be more than just 37 people dead! Got it?" They disperse and Bellamy walks back to me.
I clap a few times. "Bravo." I say. "They really listen to you."
"No, they listen to my gun." He said.
"Either way you stopped that. I'm glad you didn't die. Now can you get back inside before you do die." I say to him.
He can finally tell I'm being serious and starts to walk inside. "Hey. Can you get them to start building a wall or something so the don't start to kill each other?" I nod and he smiles and walks back inside.
"Alright everyone!" I yell. "We need to build a wall, this shelter will help but not completely so get started! We need it to go all the way around camp and we need a doorway out. Now get to it!" Amazingly they actually start to work. Some of the guys go back to get more supplies and the rest starts planning.
I walk inside and see Bellamy standing there with that big smirk on his face. "See they listen to you too." He says. I smile and he smiles back.