When I woke up everyone else was still asleep except for Tim. Tim was still getting over the fact that Mark was dead, apparently they had been friends since pre-school, and he was the one to find him dead. No one knew how he died, Tim just found him dead and Bellamy and I followed after. We found him hanging from a tree with a rope around his neck, it might have looked like a suicide- I wouldn't blame him being in this place- but he had stab marks on his chest.
"Morning Tim." I said, joining him on the couch. Tim had blonde shaggy hair, he was short for his age (which was 13) and surprisingly lean.
He sat on the couch with his knees up in front of him with his head resting on top of them. He lifted his head to look at me. "Oh, hi Carly." He put his head back on his knees and let out a sigh.
"How are you doing?" I asked him hoping he wouldn't freak out on me for asking. He shrugged his shoulders. I turned and headed back for the kitchen so I could fix something up for him to eat. And for the tree-man.
We made it a rule that the first person up would give him something to eat. I didn't see anyone else up and didn't want to get Tim to do it, after all he thought that his kind killed Mark. I wouldn't want to feed him either.
I started to go up the ladder, I was thinking about the dream I had, all my friends and family were there, everyone seemed so happy. I had to try to pry any other information out of him about them that I could.
I climbed up the first ladder, one of the guys woke up while I was on the first floor and offered to do it for me but I turned their offer down and climbed up the next ladder.
I slowly entered the room taking note of my surroundings, the tree-man was still tied to the chair he was covered in blood and dirt. Ahh the things us kids can do when we put our minds to it. His head fell forward and it looked like he was sleeping. The rest of the room was a total mess. All of the medical supplies were scattered around on the ground and the medal table was sideways on the ground.
"What happened in here?" I thought aloud.
The tree-man chuckled and it made me jump. I turned to see that he was awake and looking at me. "This Carly, is the work of what you kids can do when you put your minds to it." Wait a minute, how did he know that I was just thinking that? And how did he know my name?
I shot him a look. "How do you know my name?" I hissed.
"I know everything about you, Carly. I know where your parents work, what kind of car you want for your birthday- I bet I even know what your favourite colour is. Blue, isn't it?" He was right, it was blue. my anger towards him is just getting worse.
"I said how."
"As I always say, eyes in the skies." He said smirking.
"How! I want to know how you can see us, how you know us!" Okay, so there might not be just three people awake now.
"A magician never reveals his secrets."
I slammed the door as hard as I could behind me as I went down the ladder. I looked around, a few others had woken up and now a few more from my slamming.
"Everything okay?" I heard someone say from behind me, it was Oliver.
"Not really." I admit. "The guy up there -Adam- he is very irritating."
"So that's why everyone thought a bomb went off."
"Yeah," I said. After he kissed me and we patched things up pretty fast, it wasn't really awkward between us. I just really didn't feel like talking so I left and went outside.
I was blinded for a second by the light of the sun then all of sudden everything started to spin soon I, and everyone else who was near me, fell to the ground as it shook and shifted under us. I opened my eyes to see darkness. I couldn't see anything, I thought I was dead I moved my arms and legs around, okay good I'm not dead. I see a light, it's bright, and it's coming toward me. I can hear people whispering and I put my hand out to see if I could see past the light. Is this what death is? Am I finally going home? Will I get to see my family? My friends....