To make matters worse it started raining, hard. There was lightning and thunder and it was at night so there was barely any light except the lightning and the moon. It started just as we got Bellamy into the shelter our people had made.
A girl came up to us and said that she was could help him, her mother was a doctor and her father was a surgeon. She told me that she needed room to work so after a little while I left. I went outside and I saw a guy sitting down in front a tree. I walked over to him.
"Are you ok?" I asked him. He looked up at me.
"Yeah i'm fine, it's just that i really don't like killing." He laughed. "That probably makes me sound like a loser."
"No." i said. "It makes you sound real, not like a lot of these other guys who pretend that there something there not. I think it's real nice of you to stay out of this one." He smiled at me. Then stuck his hand out.
"I'm Oliver." He introduced himself.
"Carly." I said. " So do you know how everyone built this place? It looks amazing." He nodded. We had only been gone for the day and they had already built a house.
"A bunch of them went out and found an abandoned hardware store, they took whatever they could carry and more. Apparently the building was going to collapse or else they would stay longer and maybe we could have stayed in it. They spent the whole day building it, and it looks so good they even have second floor where we're going to sleep, beds are spread out all over the place up there. and there's loads of tables on the first floor." Tables, that was what that girl was helping Bellamy on. It was a long table, but it wasn't wood and thats probably a good thing considering that there's blood on it now so the table wood be a waste.
"They say that they're going back tomorrow, maybe I will go with them next time." Oliver said breaking Me out of my thoughts. He was pretty short, skinny, and he wasn't totally buffed out but he had muscles. His hair was a really nice colour of light brown and it was mostly curly, But he used to go to my school and even was in the same class so I know that sometimes it can be straight. Either way it suits him. He was pretty cute, and I have to admit I always kind of had a little crush on him.
"Didn't you go to my school last year?" I asked him.
"Yeah." He said. "Didn't you have a crush on me?" He asked. I started to blush, then quickly looked at my feet. "Oh, so you did. I knew it, and a bunch of my friends could see it and told me too."
"Well that was a year ago, things are different now." I said trying not to laugh. Thats what always happens when i'm embarrassed.
"Why, do you have a boyfriend?" He asked me.
"You know, I should go help in the fight, but it's nice to see you again." I said as I hurried away.
There's no question about it, we were loosing and hard. Most of our people were badly injured or dead, then something amazing happened. A group of guys came back and they had guns, and lots of them. Small guns, big guns, and really big guns. They were awesome, and they were going to help us live through tonight.
I went back inside to check on Bellamy. Oliver was right, there was a bunch of tables and there was a ladder leading up to the second floor.
This place was made from huge logs that i guess they found fallen down in the forest. They used boards of wood, like what you would see at a hardware store. It was all secured with screws and nails and they had pieces of drywall on the inside even a door. It looked like a real building, it was amazing.
I saw Bellamy, the girl had put him on one of the tables and I tried my best to help her with him.
I watched over him as much as i could but the rest of us were trying to fend off those people, aliens, whatever they were. They all had super speed, but now we have guns too. And i think that even though they have spears, guns, and super speed, that we can take them.
"This is Bellamy by the way." I said. Pointing to the passed out guy on the table. "And I'm Carly."
"I'm Lilly." She introduced herself.
"Well thanks for helping us he would have died without you." I say.
"Thanks." She says, and smiled. "Shame about this table though." It was covered in Bellamy's blood and it had definitely seem better days.
"Yeah." I said as she finished stitching his wound up.
"The guys that went to the store, they got a bunch of medical stuff too and so that's how this Bellamy guy is alive." She said.
"Well thank god they did then."I said and smiled.
"So is he like your boyfriend or something?" She asked.
"What? No. Of course not he's just a friend, maybe not even that." I snapped.
"Whoa, ok sorry I just assumed." She said.
"Sorry." I said back.
"Well i'm done in here, he should wake up soon but it might take a day or two. Ok?" She said.
"Ok." I say as she leaves.
After days of watching Bellamy and talking to him so he would wake up I watched as they developed more and more to this place. A new floor had been added, it was just for medical stuff. They got more beds and made an expantion to that second floor so there was room for everyone to sleep. Couches were added onto the first floor as well as tables so we could eat.
Speaking of food. Now that we have a bunch of guns we have been hunting animals so we can actually eat something. But we're still looking out for signs of those people so far.
All i'm hoping for is that Bellamy will wake up soon, I actually really miss him.