I sat there while the light approached me, I could still hear people whispering and I was pretty scared. the voices started to get closer.
"Think she's dead?" I hear one say to the another. It sounded like a male but it wasn't all that familiar to me.
"Of course not idiot! Her eyes are open!" That voice was female, it sounded like Lilly. "Come on, lets just help her up."
"Lilly?" I called out to her. My voice was shaky so it sounded a lot like Philly, hopefully she understood it.
"Yeah, I'm here. And Jasper is here too." I guess I haven't talked to him in so long his voice wasn't that familiar.
They both helped me up. My head is pounding and I think I broke a rib. We walked back inside our house but everything was still dark. "Why is it so dark in here and outside?"
"We don't know, it was light, the sun shining and then all of a sudden it went pitch black. So now we just have the flash lights." Jasper answered. "Everyone who was outside when it happened got knocked out, Bellamy said to get everyone inside."
We walked back inside to find everyone sitting on either a couch or the ground, flashlights shinning everywhere, and no one was really talking just looking around at one another. I walked over to a pile of flashlights that were all on and shinning where we didn't even need them, five of them were on so I turned off four and left the last on and turned it into the group where we actually need light so that we could save our batteries.
"Hey! What did you do that for we need those!" Some kid yelled at me. I turned to face him.
"No we don't, we need to save our battery usage. We don't need to have five lights on that are shinning on the other side of the room." He starred blankly at me not saying anything else. "Do you know how long it's going to be dark outside? No, didn't think so. We need the battery for more important things than that wall." I pointed to the wall the the flash lights were pointing at. He still didn't say anything else so I sat down with everyone else. Bellamy stood and looked at all of us.
"As you all obviously know, for some reason the sun is not in the sky today that means that our only light source will be these flashlights-" He held one up "- we have to conserve our usage of them, as Carly said. So that means that we will only use about five per floor and were only going to turn them on when some one is actually on that floor when no one is on that floor then we should only keep on a couple. If anyone has a problem with that there's the door. Also I know that everyone took science class, the temperature is going to drop fast so we need to get fires started. Got that?-"We all nodded. "-Good, get to work." We all cleared out, we put the flashlights where they needed to be and then a few people started the fires.
I stepped outside with my flash light and sat over by the tree I woke up by when we first got here. It hasn't even been very long but it seems like it has been forever since I was back in an actual home, one with electricity and running water. Tim walked over and sat down with me. "I need to as you something." He said to me.
"Go ahead." I said. He paused for a minute before asking me.
"Do you really think that the tree-men killed Mark?"
"I'm not sure what to say here. Maybe, maybe not. We have people watching 24/7, if a tree-man had came to the camp we most likely would have seen it. But on the other hand would one of us really do that? Even though I have no idea where any of us came from I don't think that any of us would do something like that." He nodded and then after a few minutes of silence he said he was tired and he went back inside. I sighed, honestly I didn't know that answer. I haven't even thought about that, I just assumed it was the tree-people.
"Carly?" I jumped. I turned to see it was Bellamy. "It's going to get real cold out, you should probably come inside."
I offered a smile and followed him inside. He was right, it was getting cold.