Princess Marinette

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Hey everyone! It's come to my attention that I made a few mistakes while writing this! I wrote it back in 7th grade (I'm now a sophomore so it's been a while) so it's not perfect. For example, sometimes Alya will be called Ayala. I had a friend named Ayala and my compter/phone used to always correct me on that and I never noticed so please be aware! Thank you so much for understanding and I hope you enjoy! :)

"Marinette, wake up your going to be late," Tikki said.

I rolled over, falling off my bed. "OWWW. You do realize that I set a alarm last night. Your waking me up early."

Tikki just laughed. "It's 7:45, you have 15 minutes. You have to be more careful Marinette."

Le grand time skip:

For once, I was on time. I slid into my seat next to Ayala who was talking to her boyfriend, Nino.

"I heard Ms. Bustier has a special announcement," Alya said smiling.

"I hope it's becuase she canceled the Biology final," Nino laughed.

I looked over to see Chloe yelling at Sabrina. I feel bad for her. Just becuase she didn't do her homework.


"Why do you care Chloe, I never did anything to you so just leave me alone," I said upset.

Chloe was about to say something when Ms. Bustier arrived.

"Class, the King and Queen of China have invited us to attend thier daughters coronation. As you know, 7 years ago the princess went into hiding after she was held prisoner by her aunt who wanted the throne, Elanna Cheng. I have already called your parents and they have all agreed that you can go."

The whole class cheered with joy.

"My dad let me go?" Adrien looked surprised, after all it was pretty rare that his father let him do anything.

Ms. Bustier cleared her throat, symbolizing she was not done speaking.

"We are saving tommorow so you may all go home and pack. "You have to pack the essentials as well as a formal outfit for the coronation."

The class just ran out before she could say anything else.

I just say there. My parents, invited my class to my coronation. I should have known. I'm going to be the Princess of China in a week!!!

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked up to see Alya looking like she just won the lottery.

"Why are you upset?" "We are going to your home country, I can finally see your house in China!!!"

I just had to smile at that. Alya can always make me smile.

"Alya, this may sound crazy but I'm the Princess of China and we are going to my coronation."

Alya looked at me like I was high on something. Then she just luaghed. "I knew it. I saw your phone. Your contacts tell it all."

"Alya, can you come with me to the plane tommorow? It's still settling on me that my parents finally called on me," I said nervacited.

"Of course, Princess Marinette."

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