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Tears formed in my eyes as I transformed back to Marinette. I will always be nothing. Always. I'm no one special. Just a princess who longs to be back home saving Paris with Chat Noir.

As I was getting ready to go back to sleep alarms started blaring waking Everyone up.

Maybe the security breached, I thought to myself. It couldn't be happening. The last time the alarm went off I almost died.

My friends had woken up and started running around. A guard told us that there was an attacker in the palace. He started to push us out of the room.

I needed to transform to Ladybug.

I looked around to see is my friends were safe. Adrien. Adrien wasn't with the group. I tried to run to find him but a guard grabbed me and started running towrds an emergency escape room. I couldn't let this happen.

I managed to break lose and run. I ran  into the dining room. Bad move. I littarly just walked into the room that the intruder was in.

I screamed. I didn't even care if I was exposed as Ladybug. I NEEDED to transform. I looked down at my purce that I always kept with me.

"Tikki, spots on!!!"

I waited. I didn't transform. I looked down. Tikki wasn't there. She must have fallen out of my pocket. I started to panic. I ran to find Tikki.

I was near my room when someone came out of no were and put this cloth on my face. I felt myself getting really, really sleepy.

And then everything was black.

Adriens POV:

I ran. I had no idea were I was. I must have been near the dining room when Plagg flew out of my pocket and picked up a red blob off the floor. (Adrien, Tikki is not a blob, for the sake of the readers get it right.)

"TIKKI!!!! WERE IS YOUR HOLDER!!!! ARE YOU OKAY!!!! ADRIEN SBE BEEDS HELP!!!" Plagg screamed at the top of his lungs.

I knelt down. Tikki had a bruise on her head. I had no idea what to do. I just sat there trying to be a calm adult.

'Come on, your 17 Adrien, it's time to grow up!!! It's not that hard," Adrien heard his father say.

Tikki got up. Like out of no were. It was crazy. She had this huge bruise on her head. She should be unconscious!!!

"Marinette is in trouble Adrien, you are the only one who can save her."

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