Locked Up

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Marinette's POV:

  I awoke to the sound of what I think was heavy chains being dragged across the floor. I was so scared. The last thing that I remembered was Chat, my friends, my parents and Tikki. I looked for my crossbody which I usually always had on. It wasn't there. Then it hit me. The attack on the palace and losing Tikki. I started to cry. I know I shouldn't even be crying, I'm Ladybug. I'm a hero...., but I failed my country, family and friends.

I tried to see my surroundings. It was pitch black. There was someone other than me in the room but it was so dark I couldn't see the person. I just saw the outline of his face. After a few minutes the person started talking.

"Good afternoon princess, how are you on this fine day?"

I glared. I knew that voice anywhere. It was my cousin. Prince Zhang Wui Cheng, the person next in line for the throne. I have always hated him. I fact I deteste him.

"Good, I was just wondering if you can please let me go and I may pardon you for your unspeakable crimes Zhang. It would be best if you just let me go or I swear the royal guards will find you and throw you into prison were you deserve to be," I said in a confident tone.

Zhang just laughed. "You think I would let you go? This whole time you have been in hiding. I have waited years for this chance. I deserve to have the throne. As far as everyone thought you were just that boring Parisian girl who likes to draw. You can't lead a country. You are weak."

I littarly just luaghed. And luaghed. Weak. How funny. A normal day for me is fighting of one or 2 akkumas what does he do? Sit around and do his hair?

"What's so funny Marinette? The whole kingdom is worried about you and your laughing. Why are you not scared, crying or writing our your will or whatever princess's do when they are kidnapped?

I smiled. I decided that I would have to escape one way or another. I just kept on laughing.

"Well, you failed the first time you tried to kidnap me and you are just that shy kid who loves to over gel your hair. What can you do? You didn't even lock me up," I said luaghing my head off.

It was that moment when Zhang realized that he had fucked up....

It was also that moment when a certain hero burst through the room screaming.

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