Wrapped Around

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"Oh Chloe, come out wherever you are."

I looked at the Akuma victim. Chloe was crying softly in Chat's arms. Chat looked purely disgusted.


"What did you do?"

"She was the check out lady at Gucci and I started making fun of her becuase of her poufy orange hair and how she looked like she was wearing clothes from the garbage-"

"I see it. The akuma. She keeps on swinging this purse around so I'm guessing that's were the Akuma is."


"Unless your going to throw marbles at her I don't think that will help..."

I looked around. The ground by Guccigrapha was covered in my signature red and black Ladybug dots. I turned to see one of Chat's hands red and black. The marbles were also glowing.

"Chat, drop Chloe-"

That was all that Chat needed. He dropped Chloe and walked closer towards me.


"Oh shut it, will you? Were trying to save your life!!!"

Chloe went silent. She looked down at her white pants which looked more brown from dirt.

"Chat, use cataclysm!!!"

I jumped out from the hiding space and ran in front of the Akuma victim. I started doing wierd dance moves and Guccigrapha tried to hit me with her yellow laser but I managed to doge them. I threw the marbles and Guccigrapha tripped. Chat dropped off the ledge of a building and touched the bag. The bag decimated and the victim changed back to a girl with long poufy orange hair which was actually pretty.

"TIME TO DE-EVALIZE!!!" I smiled as I captured the Akuma in my yo-yo. "Bye, bye little butterfly."

"Were am I?"

"You were akumatized but it's okay now," Chat said extending his hand.

"Thank you Ladybug and Cat Noir. I'm really grateful."

"No problem. Now, how are you?"

The girl smiled and hugged me. Chat smiled and his ring beeped.

"Oops. Sorry M'lady. Cats gotta pounce."

"Bye Chat!!!"

"And the cats out," Chat said smiling as he going over the Paris skyline. That night I was laying down on my bed when I heard a knock on my door.

"Hey Adrien."

"Hey bugaboo, what's up?"

"Well a reporter cuaght what Chloe said about it being her fault and now it's on the news. Did you know most of the attacks have been becuase of her??!!!"

Adrien started luaghing as he lifted me up in the air. He kissed my forehead and I blushed.

"Aww, I made the great Ladybug blush..."

"Well I made the great Cat fall on his knees."

"True Princess. I fell hard for you."

I snuggled my face into Adriens neck and gently kissed his neck. I could feel Adrien heat up at that.

"Mari... you uh-"


"I like the ring. It looks pretty around your hand. Do you know where else were your hand would look good? Wrapped around my-"

"WRAPPED AROUND THE BIBLE AMEN!!!" Tikki said blushing. Plagg fell out of Adrien's pocket luaghing.

"Good one Tikki Rikki," Plagg said hugging Tikki.

"AWWWWW," Adrien and I said at the same time.

I ❤ Tikki. I 💚 Plagg.

Tikki or Plagg? Kwamii wedding? What do you think?"

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