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Mari's POV:

I woke up in my bed covered in bandages. It was dark, there wasn't anyone in my room. I sighed. I tried to figure out what happened. I couldn't. It was all a fuzzy memory. I could only make out a name.

Chat Noir.

I tried to fall asleep but it was impossible. How long had I been sleeping? I sat up and walked to my window. I sighed again, I couldn't find Tikki. I wants to run and find her but I couldn't. I felt so weak. So helpless.

"Mari? Is that you?"

I turned around to see Chat. He looked sad when he saw my face. I must have practically hugged the life out of him. He looked a bit flustered. I loved him so much. But than I realized.

I WASN'T LADYBUG RIGHT NOW!!!!! I WAS MARINETTE!!!!!!! I must have started freaking out, I ran to the other side of my room oblivious to the fact that it was useless to hide my identity. Chat sat down on a nearby chair and started fiddling with a box. Curious, I went up to him and took the box. I gasped when I opened it.

It was Tikki, smiling and half crying. She flew out of the box and handed something to Chat.

And a ring?

Authors Note:

Sorry, this chapter is really short and confusing but I felt like I had to update it today because its been forever it feels like, I know what your all thinking. She is 17. Well..... yeah. But i wanted to add some happy and cool stuff to the story. Also, PREPARE FOR HAWKY TO COME HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!

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