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Adriens POV:

The rest of the day we toured the palace with Marrinette who told us alot about her culture. It was really interesting. We ate dinner at the palace and we even had a huge sleep over.

I was waiting for Alya to go to sleep. I needed to transform to Chat Noir. I decided to put my head down for a minute when I saw a red flashing light.

"Tikki, spots on!" Marrinette whispered. Ladybug. This was proof. She was Ladybug. Plagg had been right.

As soon as she left I transformed and ran after her. I found her on a bridge looking at her reflection in the water.

I sat down next to her.

"You know, don't you?"

I was a bit surprised.

"What do you mean? I dont know anything my princess."

Ladybug gave me this 'who do you think I am look.'

I just sat there, I had no idea what to say.

"Listen, I know you know my identity and it's okay, you should know. I just don't want to know yours."

"Why? Are you afraid that I'm not purrfect enough?"

"Chat, I love you, I really do. It's just that in a few days my life is going to change, I don't think I could be Ladybug anymore."

I felt my heart break. My lady was leaving me. Forever.

I got on my knees and started begging. There was no way that I was going to let my lady leave me.

Ladybug started crying. I got off my knees and pulled her into a hug. I felt like crying to but I had to be strong for her.

"Chat, I have to go," Ladybug whisperd in my ear.

I kissed her with tears rolling down my cheeks.  (my god this is so sappy but sweet)

Then.... She went away. My lady. My love. I had no idea what to do. But I knew one thing.

I was going to get MY Ladybug back.

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