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"Marinette, can I have cookies please?"

"Wow, your Kwamii actually says please. You could learn a thing or two-"

"Oh shut it kid. Your the one who was like "Marinette is just a friend" when she was the love of your life. Learn a thing or two from THAT."

I rolled my eyes and turned to Marinette. She went down her hatchet and came back producing a plate of freshly baked cookies.

"Yum Marinette, did you bake these?"

"Yep, I made them with my super special secret recipe."

"Can you tell me the recipe?"


"Wait, why?"

"It's a secret, silly. Don't worry, I'll teach our kids and then make them pledge not to tell you."

"Hmm... so you gave the "kids" idea a thought? Well Marinette, maybe we should start early and-"

"Uhm, Adrien? It's late... you should go."


"No buts."

"Please? Can I stay the night? Pleaseeeee my lady?"

"Silly kitty..."

I gave Marinette my puppy eyes and she rolled her eyes. She went into her bathroom and walked back out in a pair of pink, black and white pajamas. She climbed into bed and motioned me to a space next to her. I grinned like a goof and hopped on to her bed.

"I love you, Marinette."

"I know kitty, I know."

I smiled slightly and rested my head against her shoulder. I kissed her forehead gently and pulled her in close to me.

"Let's skip school tommorow."

"What? Adrien are you crazy? One day you are begging to go to school and the next you are saying you want to skip??!!!"


Marinete rolled over and crashed her into her pillow. She stayed like that for a good 3 minutes before she got back up.

"Fine, but in one condition."

"And what is that my lady?"

"You stop acting creepy. Wait till were married for goodness sakes."

I smiled even though I felt a bit sad. I loved Marinette and I wanted to make her happy and I always wanted to be a dad. A dad that is better then his father who forced him into modeling at a crazy young age.

"Okay bugaboo, you just don't know what your missing out on," I said smirking.

Marinette cupped my cheek and kissed me. She smiled and layed her head back on to her pillow.

"I don't want to be queen."

"Wait, why?"

"I love Paris. It's my home away from home. I love you and if we get married then you will have to move to China and the whole Ladybug and Chat Noir thing-"

"Whatever makes you happy m'lady."

"Fine then. You stay here and keep me warm scince you are basically a human heater and tommorow we can hang out then I can talk to my parents."

"Who will take the throne?"

"I don't know. A cousin?"

"Sounds good I guess, as long as your happy."

"I'll still be a princess and you will be my cat prince."

"Mari... can we get a cat when we get our own place? A black cat and we can name it Camembert."

Marinette giggled and I pulled her in closer to me. She was kinda right. I was a human heater. I pulled at her sweet blueberry colored hair. It smelled like strawberries. I smiled and wrapped her in the blankets.

"My prince."

"My beautiful princess."

"Eww, all of this love is making me sick. I NEED CAMEMBERT!!!"

I heard Tikki snicker from somewhere across the room. I felt the soft breathing of an all ready sleeping Marinette. That's when I knew...

I was home.


but in all seriousness this is how the song should really go😂😂😂

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