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I woke up to see Adrien snoring soundly. His hair was a pure mess but it was just so adorable. I felt a stir and Adrien grabbed me and pulled me in closer to him. I smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Adrien? It's time to get up."

Adrien moaned into his pillow. "We're not going to school today Mari, you forgot."

"It's 10:00."

"Ugh, can I have a croissant?"

I giggled and got up. I went downstairs to see the bakery already busy.

"Hey Aunt Sabine and Uncle Tom, what's going on? It seems busier then usual."

Tom smiled and hugged me. "Well, we just got voted the number one patisserie in Paris!!!"


Sabine nodded. "And what are you doing? Your two full hours late to school. This is the longest you have ever been late," she said chuckling.

"I'm not going to school today, Adrien and I are going to hang out today. Do you have any croissants, camembert and cookies I can borrow?"

"That's an awful lot of food..."

Shoot. I can't let them know about Adrien, Tikki and Plagg. I grinned sheepishly and ran back into the kitchen. I grabbed a full wheel of camembert, a couple croissants and a pile of cookies.

"THANKS," I yell as I run back upstairs. I put the cheese wheel in front of a sleepy Plagg and the cookies next to Tikki. Plagg's eyes instantly opened up and he grinned.

"Thanks kid."

"Your welcome, Plagg."

I smiled and walked over to a semi asleep Adrien. I gently kissed his forehead and his eye's opened up halfway.


"Give. Me. Croissant. Now. Please."

I rolled my eye's and smiled. I handed him a croissant and he shoved it down his throat. He reached for another one as I layed back in the bed.

"These are good," Adrien said finishing eating his most second croissant.

"Thanks," I say smiling. "So what do you want to do?"

"I think we should finish these croissants, go to the park, maybe come back for chocolate chip croissants, go get Andres ice cream and then patrol.

"That sounds perfect," I said kissing his forehead.

We spent the next few hours eating a variety of croissants, walking in the park, taking tons of selfies, getting ice cream and I even got to show Adrien my designs. We went on patrol and witnessed Adrien hiss every time he saw a dog. I was always giggling when he did that.

I sat down on my bed were Tikki was eating a cookie. I rolled over and groaned.

"Are you okay Marinette?"

"I have to call my parents about the whole queen thing."

Tikki sighed. "Whatever makes you happy. You come first, don't forget that."

""You know your the best Kwamii ever, right?"

Tikki blushed. "I don't know... Nooroo in my opinion is the coolest. He can littarly control people. Probably also the best big brother ever."



"Hawkmoth's Kwamii?"

"Yes," Tikki said nodding.

"We have to get him back so he can attend your wedding!!!"

"Uhm, what?"

"Adrien and I were talking-"

"No you didn't."

"Oh yes we did. The finest specially imported camembert and a huge assortment of cookies. Including, Camembert Cookies."


"Your welcome, now dress or no dress?"

"You are the best holder I ever had, Marinette."

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