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Megans POV:

"Megan wake up, its 10:00!" i hear Taylor yell from the end of the bed. i groan and bury my head in the pillow. 

"dont make me do this...." he threaten, removing the covers from my legs, i know exactly what hes doing, he gunna drag me out of bed. i smirk and grip the headboard of the bed just as he tugs on my legs. 

"sneaky bitch" he laughs walking over to me and kissing my cheek "morning" he adds, pulling me arms away from the headboard.

"goodmorning my wonderful husband" i reply, pecking his lips and sitting up

"go get ready butt, we leave in a little bit" he says, as i get up. he slaps my butt as i walk away and i fip him off and walk to my suitcase where i pull out my Minnie ears, my high waisted shirts, red Vans, and a Red Mickey and Minnie shirt. i walk to the bathroom and change and straighten my hair and pull it into a messy bun and slip my minnie ears on. i walk out and find Taylor waiting for me. 

"all done?" he questions

"yep" i smiole, walking over to him and grabbing his hand in mine

After a short bus ride, we arrive at Animal Kingdom and get our tickets. 

"what do you wanna do first?" he asks as we walk through the gates

"the safari!!" i squeal, pulling him toward the train that takes you around the park and shows you the animals and stuff

"okay come on" he obliges, as we walk onto the platform to wait for the train.

After a few minutes, the train arrives, we board it and ride around until lunch time. 

"what do you want?" taylor asks pulling out his wallet but i send him a glare and he puts it away.

"the question is, what do you want?" i smirk pulling out my wallet

"im gunna get a burger and fries and a sprite

"okay ill get a chicken cesar salad and mountain dew" i smile, walking up to the contender

i give them the order and hand the boy the money and within minutes, ou food is ready.. we eat and go on Mount Eeverest, which is the only rolercoaster at the park. 

before i know it, we are heading back to the hotel again. 

"which park tomorrow?" i ask

"Universal" he smirks, knowing that 5SOS is playing a concert there tomorrow (this is not real, 5SOS hasnt performed at Universal yet)

"OH MY GOD FOR REAL?" i exclaim as we walk into the room

"yea, we gotta get there early so we can close to the stage" he smiles


"calm down babe" he laughs as i tug my hair and jump around fangirling

"I CANT HELP IT I LOVE THEM SO MUCH" i scream again. 

he laughs and walks over to me and prevents me from jumping. "calm down" he soothes

"im calm" i defend, walking over to the bathroom and going in and showering, after, i pull on a t shirt and shorts and walk back into the room, where i go on instagram and post a picture of me smiling doing a peace sign and caption it "SEEING 5SOS TOMORROW IN CONCERT" and i log off and lay on bed and wait for Taylor, and after a few minutes, he walks out and lays on bed next to me.

"well its pretty early still, what do you wanna do now?" he asks

"i dont know... sleep" i yawn

"tired?" he laughs

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