CH 40

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Megan's POV:

The next morning i am awoken by Taylor lightly shaking me.

"what" i groan and sit up, covering myself with the blanket

"im taking you back home so you can get ready for school, you can borrow a pair of my sweats and a shirt or something, its colds out" he smiles 

"okay" i yawn and get up, taking the blanket with me.

i walk to his suitcase and pull out one of his shirts and a pair of his sweats. they're big on me but i love them.

i walk to the bathroom and close the door and put the blanket on the counter.

i take a quick hot shower and wash off the sweat and everything from last night.

after about 15 minutes, i finish and get out.

i pull on my underwear from last night and my bra and then slip on Taylors clothes.

i towel- dry my hair and put it into a ponytail for now.

"you ready?" Taylor asks as i exit the bathroom and i nod and grab a pair of his Nike socks and slip them on.

"yeah" i smile and pick up my dress and leggings from last night as well as my boots and we walk out of the building and hail a cab.

the air outside gives me goosebumps and i shiver due to the fact that i have damp hair in like 20 degrees weather.

once we reach the apartment, we bid our goodbyes and i head inside.

i step inside and head to my room.

i decide to just wear Taylors clothes to school, they're comfy and its cold out.

i slip on some converse and blow dry my hair and then re-tie it into a ponytail. 

i roll the waistband of the sweatpants so they dont drag on the ground and i grab my phone and bag and head down to meet Nash and Hayes in the lobby.


When we get to school, i head to homeroom sit in my seat from yesterday.

"Hey girl!" i hear Dylan say and i look up from my phone and see that shes in front of my desk again, shes wearing a teal long sleeved shirt, and a cream colored cardigan, and some skinny jeans and black boots and her curly hair is pulled back into a bun.

"Hey" i smile and she sits next to me.

"how was your night?" she asks 

"oh it was good, i went out with my..... friend" i tell her, i dont even know if i should call Taylor my boyfriend or not again.

i mean we made up, i guess and we went on a date.... and had sex last night.... doesnt that make us boyfriend and girlfriend again??

"Oh cool, whats her name?" she asks 

"its a he, and his name is Taylor" i correct her politely

"oh okay, a male companion i see?" she winks and i shrug

"what about you? what did you do?" i ask her, changing the subject

"oh just some homework and watched Netflix, the usual" she laughs

"sounds fun, i love netflix" i fawn

"really? what do you watch?" she asks

"American Horror Story, Teen Wolf, and just other weird shows that i find interesting" i shrug

"oh cool! Evan Peters is bae" she giggles and i agree


After school, me and my brothers head home and i go to my room and start my homework. its unsual doing homework after about a year of not doing school because of MAGCON.

It takes me a little over 2 hours to finish it, but thats only because i took a few breaks to make hot chocolate and watch youtube videos


"Megan! Dinner!" my mom calls from down the hall and i get off my bed and walk into the kitchen.

we all get food and sit in the livingroom and watch tv while we eat, and talk about our day.

"How was the date last night honey?" my mom asks

"really good, we went to a fancy italian restaraunt, then we walked around central park, and then we just went back to the hotel and fell asleep" i tell her, leaving out the details of what happened at the hotel.

"that sounds nice sweetheart" my dad butts in and i smile and nod

"im glad hes finally making an effort to treat you well after these past few weeks" mom beams and i nod and grin.

After dinner, i go back to my room and get ready for bed. i peel off Taylors clothes and toss them in the hamper and pull on some of my own fuzzy pajamas.

i lay down in bed and turn off the light even though its only like 9:30, school can tire you out.

******One Week Later*****

"honey wake up, its time for the last day of school before break" my mom says from my bedroom doorframe.

"mommy i dont feel good" i groan and roll over onto my stomach

"whats wrong?" she asks and walks over to me and feels my forehead

"dont feel like you have a fever" she declares

"my stomach really hurts, like worse than cramps" i whine

"you want some tylenol?" she offers and i nod

she leaves and a few minutes later, she returns with two tylenol tablets and some water. i swallw them down. the pain is then replaced with nausea.

"feel any better?" she asks and i shake my head

"you look a little pale, are you gonna throw up?" she asks and i shrug and get up and walk to the bathroom.

she follows me and just as i lean over the garbage pail, i throw up. she holds my hair out of my face as i continue

"you're staying home, go back to bed, ill bring you some ginger ale and graham crackers" she demands and i nod and slowly back to bed and climb in.

Mom brings me the crackers and ginger ale and within an hour, my stomach feels better.

regardless, mom makes me stay in bed and rest. which im not complaining about


hey yo this is kinda a filler, not really but in a way it is.

lol thx for reading 

im so boreddddddd

and really quick



lol next update will be up soon baes

ily all 


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