CH 16

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Megan's POV:

After i leave the arena, my ride arrives that my mom had arranged and i hop in and they drive me back to the hotel.

the whole time, i think about what will happen to me and Taylor.

After a few minutes, i exit the car and walk into the hotel and ride the elevator to the roof. i dont wanna face my mom yet. i need some time.once the elevator stops on the top floor, i walk to the edge of the building and sit on the ledge and look out at the city. i sigh and run my hand through my hair.

i love Taylor. we have so much fun together. he's the one i dreamt about for 2 days. But Shawn. he's my best friend. i love him like a brother. but after that kiss tonight... i just.... UGH

a few tears drop onto my shirt and thats when i realize im crying. why is life so hard?!

i wipe my face and look down at my shirt and smile. im still wearing the Shawn shirt. i just sit there staring at the design. he means the world to me. but Taylor is my boyfriend. he showers me with love and gifts and doesnt think twice before trying to please me. he has given me so much. i love him to pieces. but by Law, we arent allowed to date. which makes this whole thing more and more complicated. 

i sit there and twidle my thumbs for a while until my phone lights up with a text from my mom. 


Mom: Hun where are you?

Me: im on the roof. 

Mom: what happened?

Me: i'll tell you when i come back to the room in a little bit

Mom: okay text me when your coming back. i think we should talk 


Taylor already told my mom. 

i groan and pick up my phone and put on my music. the first song that plays is Ordinary Girl by Alus. 

i smile and softly sing along. after the song ends, i slide back off the ledge and walk back to the elevator and ride it back down to the room. while im in it, i text my mom letting her know im on my way back 

after the elevator stops, i walk to the room and slide in my room key and enter, closing the door behind me. 

"Megan! baby girl whats wrong?!" my mom shrieks, as she takes in my appearance. my tear stained cheeks, and my eyes are red. 

"i messed up mommy" i choke and run into her open arms 

"shh baby, what happened?" she soothes and rubs my back.

"i kissed Shawn" i choke through the tears

"baby girl. tell me the whole story please, im lost" she smiles lightly and pulls back and wipes my tears away with the pads of her thumbs. i nod and we sit on her bed criss cross. 

" i went to Shawns concert and during his performance i started crying and he spotted me and after the performance, he had security bring me back to the dressing room. when i saw him, i ran over to him and tackled him in a huge hug. we sat on the couch and talked for a few minutes, then we wrestled around on the floor and we ended up kissing. and mom i feel bad because i felt legit sparks go off and i just dont feel that with Taylor anymore you know? and then Taylor of all people walked in. he saw us and got really upset. he said he flew over here to Dallas just to spend my birthday with me tomorrow and i told him the kiss meant nothing to me when it really meant alot to me, and when i said that, i saw legit hurt in Shawns eyes. and then Taylor said he needed time to think and left." i finish 

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