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Megans POV

*Monday Morning*

"wake up its time for school" i hear my mom say and i groan and cover my face with a pillow

"little missy get your ass out of bed, its already 7:15, you have to be at school by 8:30" she demands and i sit up

"im up im up! Christ" i groan and she nods and walks out and closes my door.

i climb out of bed and make my bed and then walk into the bathroom.

my first reaction was "what the fuck is that?!" when i looked in the mirror but then i realized it was me.

i hop in the shower and wash up and all.

i get out after a few minutes and wrap myself in a towel and blow dry my hair and brush it.

i leave it natural and then put on some concealer and eyeliner and mascara for the bags under my eyes.

i then pull out the outfit i planned for today, a mint green sweater, black yoga pants, and some converse.

i slip on a black beanie and then pull my bag over my shoulder and then walk out into the kitchen where mom is cooking breakfast in her robe.

she sets a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me and i eat it all and check the time.

me and my brothers have to walk to school so we should head out now

i grab my phone and earbuds and then meet Nash and Hayes in front of the building and we head off to school.

once we reach the campus,we head to the front office and get opur schedules, i head to my locker and put some books in it and head to homeroom.

i walk in and take a seat in the back corner and pull out my phone 

i have a text from Shawn, wishing me a good day at school and i reply with a smiley face emoji.

"hi" a hear a femiine voice say and i look up and find a girl standing in front of my desk, she has red hair and green eyes. shes stunning

"uhm hi" i smile awkwardly

"im Dylan, are you new here?" she asks and i nod 

"im Megan" i smile weakly and she sticks her hand out and i shake it

"do you like it here?" she asks and i shrug

"i just moved here a few days ago so im still kind adjusting" i admitt and she nods understandingly

"ive lived here my whole life, so if you ever want  tour id be happy to help you out" she offers and i thank her

"can i have your number?" she asks and i nod and she hands me her phone and i put my number in and take a picture of me for the contact.

"thanks!" she beams 

"what classes do you have?" she asks and i hand her my schedule

"OMG we have pretty much every class together, minus chemistry and English" she squeals and i smile

"that'll be helpful to have someone who knows where to go" i grin and she nods

"oh! can i put my number in your phone?" she asks and i nod and hand her my phone

"whos Shawn huh?" she wiggles her eyebrows and i giggle

"hes a goos friend of mine" i smile

"oh sureee" she winks and i blush a teeny bit

after we talk a little longer, homeroom begins.

After, head to our next class.

third period is English and i say bye to Dylan as we part our seperate ways

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