CH 42

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Megan's POV:

i wake up the next day and throw up again, Jesus make it stop!

but even that cant bring me down today because....

Today is Christmas eve EEEEKKKKK

im so excited!!!!!!!

Today me, Skylynn and Hayes are making Christmas cookies while Nash finishes wrapping presents

We spend the whole day baking and preparing for 'Santa'

"so are you excited for Santa to come?" i ask Sky and she grins and nods excitedly

"me too" i smile

"What about you Has?" Sky asks Hayes 

"Santas not re-" he begins but i kick him in the shin

"oh yeah Cant.. wait" he says through his teeth and i smirk

"yeah hes the bestest ever" she smiles and finishes putting sprinkles on the cookies we baked

"today im going to the pharmacy and getting medicine" i say to Hayes and he nods

"ill let mom know, you go ahead, the Walgreens around the corner is still open" he tells me and i nod and thank him

i get up and slip on some Toms and grab my wallet and phone.

i walk down the street as Snow continues to fall around me.

i get inside the store and walk down the aisles and looks for something to soothe an upset stomach when my eyes land on a box.

Pregnancy testers.

i dont think i'm pregnant, i sure hope not. Taylor would be mortified and my parents would disown me.

i grab a box just to be safe and pay for them and walk to the bathrooms.

i rip open the box and pull three out. it says if there is one line, im not pregnant, and two means i am. i hope theres only one for my sake.

i do my business and set them on the counter, on a paper towel.

it says i have to wait four minutes so in those four minutes i bite my fingernails off and try to stop shaking

i cant be pregnant. i just cant

After an agonizing four minutes, i close my eyes and walk over to the tests.

i count to ten and open my eyes slowly

my fears are confirmed and i nearly pass out as i see the results

two lines.


sorry this is really short but kind of a cliffhanger

not really

lol thanks for reading next update will be up asao, maybe even tonight, who knows??


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