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so alot of you are probably wondering "what the fuck" after the plot twist in the last chapter so lemme explain. 

basically Megan (me) lol dreamt her future with Taylor. like the night he went around giving her all those gifts and shit (remember that?) well that night she had a headache and accidentally took more Tylenol than she needed and she passed out for two whole days.


when i was little my dad accidentally gave me too much medicine and i passed out for like2 days so thats where that idea came from. and i dreamt like the next year of my life in those two days so idk. 

but that stuff has happened encase you were wondering. 

So now Megan and Taylor are still the age they were in the first book! but she didnt meet 5SOS... she didnt get stabbed and Taylor didnt almost die. 

just lettin ya know.

andd shit about to get real i hope you know that. 

i have ALOT of drama planned and i cant wait for you guysw to read it!

like omg this is gunna be better than the first book i bet. 

but heres the next chapter:

Megans POV:

After Nash fills me in on what had happened while i was passed out, i walk down stairs and find the house exactly the way it was like when i was 15 and this is just more and more confusing. 

"Hey Megan! how you feel girly?!" my mom smiles from the kitchen

"im fine mom thanks, im going over to Taylors! i'll be back before 10:00" i call to her as i walk out of the house and walk across the grass to Taylors house.

i knock on the door and 18 year old Taylor opens the door.

"oh hey you woke up!" he jokes and hugs me 

"yeah about an hour or so ago" i smile as i step inside and he shuts the door. 

"my moms out back" he informs me as we climb the stairs to his room. and we enter and i throw myself down onto his bed

"so whats up?" he asks, sitting beside me 

"well im going to sound like a phsco right now" i begin

"oh God what did you do?" he teases

"nothing!" i laugh but while i was alseep.... i like dreamt our future together" i say awkwardly 

"oh okay" he says uncomfortably  

"yeahh it was weird, it felt so realistic and everything but i woke up and im still 15" i explain

"i havent heard of that before but it sounds cool" he says, laying back onto his pillows and putting his feet on my middle

"well, thats really all i wanted to tell you really. it feels weird now like it feels like i went through a time machinr" i laugh lightly 

"maybe you did, you neer knoww" he says creepily 

"your so weird" i joke and untie his shoe

"so are you" he fires back playfully 

"i know, we are both weird" i conclude and stand up, shoving his feet off me

"where are you going?" he asks 

"Taylor i was asleep for two days, i wanna go outside and get some excercise or something" i laugh as he follows me down the stairs 

"kay. i'll see you later?"he asks as i reach the front door 

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