CH 33

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Megan's POV:

"Megan wait-" Taylor begins and i shake my head and run out of the room

"wait!!" he yells ands runs after me.

my eyes, blurred with tears, i run through the crowd, shoving anyone who gets in my way.

"baby wait!" i hear Taylor plead

"fuck you, never call me that again you bastard" i seethe and run out of the house, into the backyard.

"bab-- Megan wait" he corrects himself as he gets closer.


"fine" he gives in and walks back in the house

After he leaves i let out a scream and lean my back against a tree.

i slide down and welcome the tears.

i wipe them and my makeup comes off with it. i probably look like shit anyways.

"Hey are you okay?" i hear someone ask and i see Andrew from earlier.

"yeah im fine:" i say and wipe my nose with my hand

"you dont look it" he smiles softly

"yeah tonights been hell but im fine now, thanks" i smile and he offers me a hand up which i decline

"how come you are out here all alone?" he asks and sits down across from me.

"it was getting too stuffy inside." i reply 

"oh" he says and looks down awkwardly

"What time is it?" i ask and he checks his phone 

"2:14AM" he replies

"okay, well im going to get all these strangers out of my house" i sigh and get up

"want some help?" he asks 

"no thats okay, thanks though" i smile and he nods and walks away

i take a deep breath and walk into the house.

i dont know why i ran from Taylor, this is my fucking house.

"everyone get out!" i yell as i walk into the house

no one seems to hear so i raise my voice

"GET THE FUCK OUT" i scream. apparently they hear, because people start filing out the door.

once the house is empty, i lock the door and grab a garbage bag from the garage.

i start throwing everything into it and put it out by the curb.

Hours later, the house is cleaned as i throw myself onto the sofa and groan.

i check my phone and see a few missed calls from Taylor.

my heart aches and i throw my phone at the wall.

good thing, its in a life proof case or else id be screwed.

Taylor's POV:

After i leave Megan outside, i decide i should leave so thats what i do.

i head over to my house and into my room and lock myself in my room.

i hope Megan feels the pain i felt when she kissed Shawn. i hope she feels the heartbreak i fucking felt.

i cant help but feel guilty and find myself dialing her number and it goes straight to voicemail.

i look out my window and see that the party has ended so she is probably cleaning.

i set my phone on my nightstand and crawl into bed. the guilt i felt earlier, fading.

Megans POV:

i wake up the next morning on the floor of my living room and i groan and check the time.


i get up and walk across the room and get my phone off the floor and see i have no messages.


i decide to leave Taylor a voicemail. to get some of this weight off my chest

"Hey Taylor, its Megan. i just wanted to call you and tell you something.. well first of all. fuck you. your an arrogant bastard and i cant believe you had the balls to do this to me. Your fucking pathetic. I realize im being hypocrticial and i dont give a damn. What you did was much worse than i would have ever done to you. I hope you have a great time with that skank because i am so fucking done with your shit. have a nice life you fucked up dirtbag" by the time im finished, i dont even realize im crying.

i put my phone down and i take a deep breath to calm myself down.

but the tears wont stop. no matter how hard i try to stop, another wave of pain washes over me.

its like the ocean. the tide pulls me out and then the waves throw my against the shore, breaking and battering whats left of me.

i spend the rest of the day, crying and deleting all pictures of Taylor and i from my phone.

and trying forget about the bandana wearing theif who stole my heart and shattered it. 

and what hurts the most, is that he just doesnt give a shit.


sorry this is bad. i was rushing because im sick and its Thanksgiving

i ate so much yet i dont feel full one bit.

thx for reading ily all and have a blessed night


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