CH 26

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Megan's POV:

i wake up the next day and Taylor is still alseep. i climb out of bed and stretch and walk over to my phone. i check it and see nothing new and walk into the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth.

i brush my hair and tie it into a high ponytail. i walk back into the room and Taylor is just waking up.

"Morning" i smile and he nods 

"good morning:" he yawns 

his morning voice holy fuck it never gets old....

"im going to shower" he informs me and gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom and shuts the door

"kay" i say and sit on the bed. i play on my phone a while.

a few minutes later, Taylor exits the bathroom with water droplets in his hair and a towel wrapped loosely around his waist

he looked hot not gonna lie

'"stare much?" he teases and i blush a little and shake my head no

"sureee" he winks and grabs some clothes and walks back into the bathroom. 

as the door closes, i walk over to my suitcase and pull out some highwaisted shorts and a baby blue crop top and some white vans. i leave my face bare and slip on Taylors ray bans.

just as i finish, Taylor walks out of the bathroom wearing a white t shirt and some jeans and black vans.

"i thought you were going to sleep all day today" he teases and i giggle 

"nah i figured we should do something" i shrug

"good idea, where do you want to go?" he asks 

"why dont we drive to Busch Gardens" he offers and i jump up na d down

"YESSSS" i cheer and he chucjles and shakes his head

"come on" he smiles and pulls me out of the room and we walk down the hall. 

we hop in a cab and head off to Busch Gardens


"WE'RE HERE" i exclaim and drag Taylor out of the car

"calm down Megan Christ" he laughs and i shake my head and pull him into the park

we ride a few rides and eat food and goof off and be our usual selves

"Come on, i wanna get a picture in front of Sheikra" i pout and pull Taylor to the ride.

i hand my phone to a woman passing by and ask her to take our picture and i hop on Taylors back and let my arms dangle around his neck lazily and we both smile.

i thank the woman and retrieve my phone. 

we ride Sheikra and then decide to head back to the hotel.

once we arrive back in the room, i flop back onto the bed and take off my shoes. 

i grab my phone and post the picture of my and Taylor from earler and get off it.

"its a cute picture" Taylor suddnely says

"huh?" i ask

"the picture from today, its cute" he smiles 

"oh, yeah it is" i admitt 

"i know, because im in it" he says cockily and i giggle and shake my head

"your a doof" i mutter and he smiles

well im getting in the shower" i announce and get off the bed and grab my pajamas and walk into the bathoom.

i quickly shower and change into my tank top and spandex again.

i braid my hair and walk back into the room and see that Taylor is on facetime with Jack and Jack.

"BABES" i squeal and run over Taylor

"MEGAN" i hear Gilinsky squeal playfully

"hey guys!!" i smile and wave at the camera

"Hey girl whats up, why are you and Taylor in the sunshine state?" he asks

"Matt wanted me to come hang out with him, he bribed me with one direction tickets, i couldnt resist" i laugh

"fair enough" Johnson chuckles

"well we're going to bed, night guys" Taylor says 

"USE PROTECTION" they both yell and my cheeks turn pink 

"bye guys" i laugh and Taylor hangs up

"well im actually going to bed, night" i say and walk to my bed

"oh so your sleeping by yourself tonight?" he teases 

"yeah goodnighttt" i smile and turn off the light

"night" he yawns and crawls into his bed.

and this time i actually fall asleep.

*Taylors POV:

A few hours after we both fall asleep, i am awoke by a sob coming from Megans bed.

i jump out of bed and walk over to her. her eyes are closed and tears are all over her cheeks.

she must be having another nightmare.

"Megan" i say softly and shake her shoulders lightly, andthats enough for her eyes to open and she lets out a quiet sob

"shhh" i soothe her and carress her cheek

"Taylor" she whines and i climb into her bed and wrap my arms around her

"Im sorry" she whiispers

"dont even apoligize Megan." i sigh and kiss her temple

"well goodnight" she yawns and i nod and she falls asleep again, clinging to me.

a few minutes later i fall asleep as well, with the girl i am hopelessly in love with right next to me




sorry this kind of sucked its kinda filler

the next chaoter will be way better bc some drama is about to start and its good drama and not bad

so do you think #Taygen will prevail?

or will a new door open for #Mawn

you'll have to wait and see my cuties

anyways thanks for reading'andf who do you ship more?

Megan and Taylor 


Megan and Shawn'

lemme knowwwwww

okay peace guys ily

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