CH 49

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Megan's POV:

i wake up the next day and find Taylor holding Kasey again.

"goodmorning babe" Taylor smiles as he sees me

"morning, is she hungry or anything?" i ask, referring to Kasey

"not yet, she just woke up a few minites ago" he tells me and i nod and sit up

"can you get the doctor and see if we can go home yet?" i ask him and he nods and puts Kaseys in my arms and kisses my cheek

"be right back" he says and walks out

"well hello there my pretty little lady" i smile down at Kasey.

she doesnt understand me, but she gives me a toothless grin and i smile

"the doctor said she has to review your charts and then you might be able to go home" Taylor says, walking back into the room.

"okay, thank you" i smile and he pulls his chair right next to the bed and watches me

"you okay?" he asks after a few minutes and i nod

"what about you? you okay?" i ask him and he nods and smiles softly

"good" i nod and lay my head back just as Kasey starts to get fussy

"guess shes hungry" i laugh and i unbutton my gown to feed her

"ill watch the door" Taylor says and gets up to stand by the door

i stare down at the baby in my arms and watch as she eats, its adorable to be quite honest.

after a few minutes, she finishes and i button my gown back up and Taylor burps her.

"hey Megan, i reviewed your charts and checked how Kasey's were, and your both in good enough health to return home" the doctor says from the doorway and i grin

"thank you so much Doctor" i smile and she unhooks the IV from my arm and leaves

"Taylor did you install the car seat in your car?" i ask him as i get out of bed

"yep, i did it yesterday" he beams and i nod

"ill get changed, keep an eye on her for me please" i tell him and he nods and smiles

i walk into the bathroom and pull on my sweats and t shirt from a few days ago and re tie my hair into a bun.

i slip on my Toms and then grab my stuff and meet Taylor back in the room.

"i already put all the babys gifts and stuff in the car so all you have to do, is get in the car, ill carry her" he smiles and i nod.

once we reach the car, he straps in Kasey and we both sit in the front

the drive back is quiet, due to the fact that shes sleeping.

once we get to the house, my parents arent home so Nash and Hayes come and carry the baby's stuff up into the room while i carry the actual baby.

i lay her in the crib and turn on the baby monitor.

i walk back down into the livingroom and lay on the couch with my head in Taylors lap.

"what time is it?" i question as he checks his phone

"2:30" he replies and plays with my hair

"im boreddd" i whine and sit up

"you're always bored" he jokes and i shrug

just then, Kasey starts crying and i bolt up the stairs and into the room.

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