CH 27

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Megan's POV:
rhe next day i am awoken by Taylor talking on the phone.
i yawn and he sees that i am awake and he smiles and mouths 'good morning' to me.
i nod and i walk to the bathroom.
i wash my face. my cheeks are sticky and my eyes are red and puffy from the dream i had last night.
only this dream was different
"Tay c'mon she doesnt mean anything to you, she wouldnt have kissed pretty boy if she loved you" Samantha says as she rubs her hand over Taylors crotch
"Sam, i love you, only you, shes a skank and deserves no one. im sorry i even looked that whores way" Taylor mumbles and plants kisses on Sam's neck and she smirks at me
"looks like you lost bitch" she whispers menacingly
"s-stop" i shoke and she shakes her head no and i watch in agony as her and Taylor make out.
"t-taylor" i whimper as tears spill onto my cheeks without stopping.
"what now bitch, doesnt feel too good watching the person you loved kiss someone else now does it?!!!" Taylor sneers and i choke again
"megan" i hear a voice say and immediately the image in front of me goes away and replaced with a slightly worried Taylor.
end of dream-
i shudder and brush off the feeling as a few tears manage to creep down my cheeks, haunting me.
i screwed up, i know.
but is it really necessary for it to haunt my dreams????
i groan and walk out of the bathroom and find Taylor sitting on the bed.
"hey im going out today, but ill see you later, im sorry something came up" he sighs
"its fine, do what you gotta do" i smile and he thanks me and walks out of the room.
i sigh and throw myself onto the bed and play on my phone.
i spend the day playing on my phone and thinking about my dream.
i know Taylor would never do that to me, but i just cant get the image of him and Samantha out of my head.
i am interuppted from my thoughts by a knock at the door.
i get up and am greeted with Matt
"Hey, can you meet me in my room in about 2 hours?" he smiles
"sure, i got nothing better to do" i agree and he nods and i close the door.
"dress nice" i hear him say through the door
"gotcha" i reply
i walk to the bathroom and hop in the shower and wash up and blow dry my hair and everything.
i step out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel and walk to my suitcase and dig through it for something nice to wear.
i settle on a black and gray slim fit dress and pair it with some black sandals.
i walk into the bathroom and slip on the clothes and then start straightening my hair. i spray some glitter in my hair and do some makeup.
i apply some mascara and some eyeliner on my lids and then some smoky eyeshadow.
i put on some lip gloss and smack my lips.
i check the time and see that i still have about 15 minutes until im supposed to meet Matt so i sit on my bed and play on my phone.
i play Let It Goat to pass the time and pretty soon i need to head over to Matt's room.
i walk over and knock on the door.
"come on in" i hear him answer and i open the door and find Matt sitting on his bed, on his phone.
"how come im dressed up and you're not?!" i exclaim
"because im not going where your going missy" he smirks and i shoot him a confused look
"huh?" i ask
"you have reservations at a private restaraunt about an hour from here" he smiles and stands up and takes my hand
"follow me Ms. Grier" he smirks and leads me out of the building and into his rental car.
i turn on the radio and hear Shawn being interviewed
i turn it up and hear him mention me
"So Shawn, is there a special little lady that has got your eye? its hard to believe you're single with you're talent and good looks!" the radio interviewer asks
"well there is one girl, but shes taken" he says
"whats her name, maybe we've heard of her!"
"im pretty sure you would know who she is, shes sweet and funny and just the perfect girl and id love to be with her someday" he rambles
"Well we all hope the best for you and this young woman, lets give it up for Shawn Mendes everybody!"
"Thank you"
"woah" i huff
"you think that was about you?" Matt asks and i shrug
"Well only time will tell" he sighs and i almost see a look of disappointmet cross his face before he smiles at me again
"we're almost there" he gleams and i nod
we pull up to a wooded area
"uh Matt? care to explain?" i ask and he shakes his head
"just follow me" he smiles and takes my hand as we exit the car and enter the woods, which is being dimly lit by fireflies.
"now, before you get there, i want you to know that we did this because we love you" he whispers and i nod and continue waling
"alright close your eyes" he demands and i nod as we stop walking
he puts a blindfold over my eyes and we keep walking, only hes holding my hand, guiding me so i dont, like die.
"okay when i count to 3, you can take off the blindfold okay?" he asks and i nod
"one..." he begins and we stop walking
"two" he continues
"three!!!" he cheers and i slowly take off the blindfold
we are at a big lake just as the sun is setting and i look out at the view and then i look over and see that theres a picnic blanket and a basket and plates and a few candles a few feet away from me.
i smile and turn around to ask Matt why im here only Matt isnt there.
"looking for someone?" i hear someone ask and i turn around at the sound and am faced with Taylor.
go figure
"hey, did you do th-" i begin
"no, Carter and Matt helped" he says shyly
"why?" i ask
"because i thought this would make you happy" he smiles cheekily and i smile
"im sorry" i admitt
"for what?" he asks
"for the whole thing with Shawn-"
"you dont need to apoligize i forgave you already" he cuts me off
"you need to forgive yourself" he adds
"i cant, i hurt you and i cant believe i did that to the boy i love to the moon and back times infinity" i sigh
"Megan, look. i forgave you, and that night made me realize just how much i love you sweetheart. i mean yeah, it took seeing you kiss my best friend to realize it, but i cant stand being without you. your everything to me and i love you so so much" he admitts
"i love you too" i say quietly
"i know you do." he smiles and i walk over to him and he wraps his arms around me protectively and i wrap mine around him really tight and we just stand there, hugging
"now come on, i got food" he smiles and my eyes light up
"FOOD" i exclaim and we walk over to the picnic blanket and we sit.
he pulls out some chicken fingers and french fries and a bottle of mountain dew for me, and a coke for him.
we sit there and talk while we eat and watch the sunset.
"Tay?" i ask as it starts to get dark
"hmm?" he hums
"do you remember how to get back?" i ask
"yeah the car is over there" he replies and points to his rental car about a hundred feet away
"okay" i smile and scoot over to him and lay my head on his shoulder
just as the sun is disappearing, i look over at Taylor and see that he is already looking at me.
he glances back and forth between my lips and my eyes and we slowly begin to lean in until our lips connect.
Sorry to all the shawn and megan shippers lol thanks for reading and everything I luh u

Peace until next update which will be up ASAP

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