1: Sleeping Kook

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The moment the professor walked out of the door, I immediately packed my art stuff and ran out of the class. 

Sparks of jitters buzzed inside of me, eagerness enveloping my entire body. I felt the corner of my lips slowly lifting up into a smile, an involuntary action that I myself had no control of. 

I just couldn't wait to talk to him again.

"Chiyo, wait up!"

I turned around to see Hanaka, running towards me. The tall boy whom I claimed as my best friend crushed me into a hug. How could someone still grow after hitting the age of 19? 

Only Sato Hanaka.

"I've missed you!" he whined as I pulled away from the embrace.

A chuckle escaped from my mouth. 

"We haven't seen each other over summer break, and that's only a month. What will happen to you if we didn't meet for years after we graduate?" I asked, shaking my head.

He pouted. "I'll probably die because of missing you too much."

I hit his arms lightly, causing him to scrunch his face, wincing in 'pain'. No wonder he's majoring in Drama and Theater Arts. As a very patient individual, even I couldn't stand his exaggeration sometimes. 

"I was just joking! Anyways, where are you going? You looked like you were in a hurry."  he asked as we continued walking along the hallway.

My heartbeat started to accelerate. "I was just heading home." I lied, fixing my grip on the straps of my bag.

I couldn't tell him that I'm going to the hospital. He will think I'm crazy! 

"Aww, but I wanted you to see this cute waitress I saw." 

"You mean your future girlfriend." I teased, giving his arm a nudge.

I glanced at Hanaka, watching as his cheeks turn a shade of pink. He opened his mouth, fumbling with words, but ended up saying nothing. We walked in silence, enjoying each other's presence. He didn't have to say a word, but I knew how he felt.

Hanaka had always been a shy boy growing up. He was only loud around me as we grew up together, with our parents being long time family friends. Him liking a girl is a huge milestone already, so I get why he was all nervous. 

I would feel the same way too, if I had someone that I liked.

Upon reaching the entrance, I instantly looked at my watch, checking for the time. It was already visiting hours. 

"Hanaka, I really have to go now. See you!" I bid him goodbye before running off to the parking spots to retrieve my bike. 

I'm coming, Jeongguk-ssan.


The doctor was doing a daily check up when I arrived in front of his room. I paced back and forth, too excited to even sit down at the chairs provided. When the doctor came out, she gave me a smile.

"I see you're here to visit your boyfriend again"

That one word made my body tense up. I quickly shook my head, feeling the heat creeping up my cheeks. I was lost for words. 

"No, isha. I am his savior, you can say." I fiddled with my fingers, looking away.

The doctor giggled and patted my shoulder before walking off. I placed a hand on my chest, feeling it rising and falling in an irregular momentum. I sighed, relieved that she didn't question further. I wouldn't know the answers to her questions. 

I proceeded to open the door and entered. My eyes laid on him, who was still deep in slumber, like Sleeping Beauty. 

Maybe I should call him that, Sleeping Kook.

Placing the succulent on the side table, I settled down on the chair next to the bed and stared at him. He remained still on the bed, in a peaceful state. 

"I'm back again, Jeongguk-ssan. Hm, today was a great day. I learnt some oil painting technics. I'll show you one day when you wake up. Oh, and they sold my favorite rice ball from Korea in the campus cafeteria . It's triangular. I'm sure you will know. It's called g-gim something. It was delicious." 

I continued rambling about my day, from me being a weird person , to me stalking the obachan for more triangle rice balls. I was actually ready to follow her home just so I could have more of those rice balls. 

In a blink of an eye, visiting hours were over. Time always passed so fast whenever I'm with him. The nurse was kind enough to let me stay for a little bit longer. Before I walked out, I massaged his hand and patted it.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Sleeping Kook." 

UPDATED A/N: Hiiii! So here's the edited version of Chapter 1. Honestly I couldn't alter much as I still want to keep it simple. It's just that there's more descriptions now haha. And we finally got to know a little bit about Hanaka (my poor character whom I just throw into the book) Hope you will enjoy the edited version. Comment your thoughts as well, I'll love to read them <3 

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