13: Hugs and Tears

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Upon hearing her name, she immediately stopped pedaling, her bike screeched as it came into a halt.

Hanaka cycled towards her and stopped his bike beside hers.

"Want to have dinner together? We can go that sushi bar near that cafe at the corner." he suggested.

Chiyo smirked.

"And get coffee just to spy on your crush after that?" she teased, causing Hanaka to blush.

"I didn't say that but that's a good idea." he mumbled.

Chiyo giggled at his reaction. She love teasing her best friend.

"Sure Hanaka. Plus, we haven't been hanging out a lot lately. Take this dinner as my treat." she said.

Hanaka crossed his arms.

"Yeah, because you've been busy with your boyfriend that you almost forgot about me." he pouted.

Chiyo scrunched her eyebrows and hit him gently on the shoulder.

"Ew, don't make that face. Let's go before it's full." she turned around and continued cycling, with Hanaka following her from behind.

The sky was getting darker as night slowly approached, painting a darker colour over the blue.

In the midst of cycling, she felt a buzz from her phone in her pocket. Chiyo swerved to the side of the road and stopped.

She fetched her phone out and answered the call.

"Moshi Moshi? What's the matter Mr Yokimoto?"

"Ms Amano Chiyo, your boyfriend, your boyfriend, he...."

Chiyo furrowed her eyebrows.

"What happened to Jeongguk?" she asked.

Her heart was beating fast, anxiousness washing over her.

Her next door neighbor remained silent for a while, before answering her.

"I think someone kidnapped him. I saw a black vehicle pulling over near our housing area while having an evening jog and saw them dragging Mr Jeongguk into the vehicle forcefully."

Chiyo's eyes widen. Everything happened in a sudden as Chiyo ended the call and immediately got on her bike, cycling at a fast speed.

Hanaka, who had been cycling behind her stopped and tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Aren't we heading to the sushi bar? That's the way to her house." he thought.

He cleared his thoughts and cycled faster, trying to catch up Chiyo who was cycling as though she's in a bike marathon.

Chiyo bit her lower lip and tried to contain her inner feelings.

She was not about to burst out crying.

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