11: The Other Side

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Jeon Corporation, Seoul, South Korea

A middle aged man, dressed in fine suit, stood behind his office table, which was a mess, scattered with paper work and newspapers.

He had his hands on his back, staring out at other buildings and the busy streets of Seoul through his glass windows.

The door burst open, and in came a middle aged woman in an elegant-looking dress, her heels clicking against the floor as she made her way to the man whom she call husband.

"Have they found our Jeongguk?" she asked in a desperate tone.

"I have yet to get news from the search party."

It had been a month and a half since their son's dissapearance.

One family cruise trip to one of their private islands in Japan became a disaster when their son fell from the ship and into the ocean.

Dead or alive? Nobody knew.

Chances of their son being alive was slim as the oceans were very rough that evening.

But the Jeons still clung to a small sparkle of hope.

Mrs Jeon held the table for support. She held her head and closed her eyes.

"I miss him, Yoo Sung, I miss our son."

Mr Jeon turned around and immediately rushed to her side, holding her tight in his arms.

"I do too."

Mrs Jeon pushed him away and backed away.

"If you weren't that hard on him, this will never happen." she stated firmly.

Mr Jeon frowned.

"It was for his own good. Taking over the company is his duty ever since he was brought to this world. He can't just ignore his duties and act like a total brat. I don't accept such nonsense!" he exclaimed and slammed his fist on the table.

Mrs Jeon shook her head and made her way to the couch.

"It's all your fault. You forced him!" she said before she sat down and turned her head the other way, unable to face her husband anymore.


Before Mr Jeon could continue, a knock interrupted their heated argument.

"Uncle Jeon?" a soft voice called out.

"Come in!"

A young, beautiful lady walked in. She was still in her uniform, the white coat hugging her figure perfectly.

A gold tag was pinned neatly at the top right side of the coat.

Doctor Kim Jiyeon

She bowed as soon as she saw Mr and Mrs Jeon.

"Is there any news about Gguk, Mr Jeon?" she asked, woryness laced in her tone.

Mr Jeon shook his head.

"I'm still waiting for news from the search party." he stated.

Jiyeon sighed and ran a hand through her hair, biting her lips in the process.

"Come here dear." Mrs Jeon said and opened her arms wide.

Jiyeon made her way to her and went into her arms, embracing her future mother in law tight.

"I hope he's okay."

Mrs Jeon nodded and stroked her hair gently.

"I hope so too."

Suddenly, a loud ringtone broke the mellow atmosphere. Mr Jeon immediately took the call.


"Hello, Mr Jeon. We have the newest updates about Young Master Jeon. Reports have stated that some local citizens saw someone who looked similar to the young master at Kamakura a few weeks ago."

Mr Jeon widened his eyes. His mouth curved into a smile.

"Is this true?"

"Solid reports, Mr Jeon."

Mr Jeon slammed his fist on the table, gently this time.

"Order the search party to continue their search at Kamakura. I'll head over there tomorrow afternoon." he stated before ending the call.

Mrs Jeon stood up, along with Jiyeon, who had her arms around her.

"Did they found him?" she asked, her voice full of hope.

He smiled.

"They said they found someone who look like our son in Kamakura a few weeks ago."

Mrs Jeon gasped in shock and placed a hand over her mouth, tears of happiness cascading down her cheeks.

"There's still hope, there's still hope." she muttered repeatedly, patting Jiyeon's hands.

Jiyeon smiled and softly stroked Mrs Jeon's shoulders.

"Yes we do."

Mr Jeon cleared his throat and fixed his tie.

"I'll head over to Kamakura tomorrow afternoon. You two can stay here at wait for the news." he stated.

"I am coming with you!" Mrs Jeon exclaimed.

"Me too!"

Mr Jeon shook his head.

"Min Jeong, you can come with me but Jiyeon, you stay. You still have to treat your patients. That's your responsibility as a doctor. You can't just abandon your patients. You stay here and wait for our news alright. We will keep you updated."


"No buts, Jiyeon. I've made myself clear." he stated firmly, his cold look sending shivers down Jiyeon's spine.

She lowered her head and nodded.

"Yes, uncle Jeon."

"Jeongguk, appa and eomma are bringing you home."

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