8: Tides of Emotions

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"You do realize you're smiling like a fool right now, right?"

Chiyo snapped back to reality, turning to her right to see Hanaka staring at her, arms propped on the table.


Hanaka chuckled. "You didn't even pay attention to what I said. I bet you're thinking about someone, specifically a guy." he smirked.

Chiyo's cheeks turned crimson. She averted her gaze to her notebook.

"Don't utter nonsense." she mumbled.

Hanaka smirk grew wider. "Eyy, your cheeks are turning red. Don't deny it. Spill the beans, Chiyooo." he whined as he poke her playfully.

"Yah, stop poking me!" she pushed the latter away, her face heating up more.

Hanaka crossed his arms. "Who's the lucky guy huh? A certain Korean guy, I assume..."

She nodded, a shy smile spread on her face.

"I must admit he's pretty charming. But haven't you ever wonder if he have someone back at Korea?"

Chiyo's face fell.

She was too engrossed in love, stuck in a perfectly spun fairy tale, that for once, Jeongguk's past, his original life, slipped through her mind. 

Worst, he might have a girlfriend who's worry sick about his whereabouts.

What if he remembers and leaves her?

Hanaka noticed her change of expression and bit his lip.

"Hey, I was uttering nonsense. Maybe he's single as Pringle. Or maybe he's gay."

Chiyo was drowning in her own world to even hear what Hanaka was saying.

"Can we even be together?"

Chiyo cycled back home, heart heavy with guilt. Anxiousness was slowly eating her away. She didn't even want to go back home. 

When she arrived home, she could smell a nice aroma. Chiyo rested her bicycle against the wall and proceeded to unlock the door.

"I'm home." she said, sadness visible in her tone.

Chiyo slipped in her slippers and walked in to see the table decorated with plates of delicious looking food.

"Welcome home, Chiyo."

There he stood, wearing a pink apron, holding a plate of what seems to be glazed sweet potatoes.

"Oh, what's the special occasion?" she asked, faking a smile and trying hard to look at him in the face without tearing up.

Jeongguk approached her and held the plate near her face.

"Smell the sweet potatoes. It's so good."

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