4: White Tees and Ice Cream

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"Jeongguk-ssan, stop picking only white t-shirts, we have like 5 in the trolley already."

Jeongguk turned to me and pouted, the white t shirt in his hand.

"I love white t-shirts." he mumbled, loud enough for me to hear.

He proceed to flash his black doe eyes and winked nonstop.

I sighed and gestured for him to hand me the white t-shirts that were in his hand.

Luckily those t-shirts were still under my budget.

He waddled towards me and handed the t-shirts to me, his mouth forming a sheepish smile.

I took the t-shirts in hand and placed them inside the trolley.

Once we settled in the house, we realized that Jeongguk needed clothes and all the guy necessities, which I don't have in my house, obviously. 

Hence, the shopping mall, where all those problems would instantly be solved. 

I continued pushing the trolley as I scanned through the men clothes department.

I glanced back to check up on Jeongguk, who was picking through some sweatpants.

Aish, that kid.

From the corner of my eye, I spotted some hoodies for sale. I instantly approached the racks and picked through some hoodies that might look good on Jeongguk.

"Miss, are you getting hoodies for your boyfriend over there?"

I was taken aback when a salesgirl suddenly appeared by my side.

"Nani? Don't misunderstand, he's not my boyfriend. He's just a friend." I said.

The salesgirl giggled. "Don't be shy to admit. Young couples are always like this."

"He's really not my boyfriend." I denied.

She sighed in the end. "Too bad. He's really a charming guy. Anyways, of you need any help, just call me." the sales girl bowed and walked to the other departments.

I focused my attention towards the stack of hoodies arranged neatly on the rack. After a few minutes of tossing and feeling the material, I settled with a dark blue hoodie and a plain grey long sleeves shirt.


Jeongguk approached me with a cheeky smile.

I placed the hoodies in the trolley and crossed my arms.

"What do you want now, Jeon Jeongguk-ssan?"

He let out a fit of soft giggles and grabbed my hand.

"You'll see!"

Before I knew it, I was dragged by him to what seems to be a newly opened ice cream store. We stood at the entrance, and while he was busy eyeing the tubs of ice cream on display, I was busy eyeing our hands, intertwined, feeling the familiar heat creeping up my cheeks. 

 I quickly shook our hands away, letting out a cough to clear the awkwardness. It was clearly a bad move, but when I looked at Jeongguk, he did not seem bothered at all, his eyes fixed on the ice cream display.

"You want ice cream?"

He nods.

"Right now?"

He frantically nodded, turning to me with his regular doe eyes, sparks hidden in his brown orbs.

I swore he's a child trapped in an adult's body.

We eventually stepped into the store and headed to the main glass display cabinets which showed a wide spread of ice cream flavours.

Jeongguk stared at the glass display cabinet with awe as he traced his finger along it.

"I want this one." he pointed at the mint chocolate tub.

I grimaced.

"Jeongguk, are you sure you want that flavour? There are other good flavours. That taste like toothpaste." I stated, knitting my eyebrows.

He turned to me and raised his eyebrow.

"My instincts tell me that I love this flavour so I'm going for it. And hey, you can't discriminate any flavours." he said.

I giggled. "Alright, whatever you say. I'll take vanilla."

"That's such a boring flavour."

It was my turn to raise my eyebrow. 

"Says the one who told me not to discriminate any ice cream flavour."

And that was how we spent our whole afternoon at the mall.

When we went back, the two of us were already exhausted, especially Jeongguk.

Before retiring to my room, I headed to his room. I knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

I gently slid the door and peeked my head through the small hole, afraid to open wider. 

Jeongguk was looking through the clothes we bought.

"Good night, Jeongguk-ssan."

He smiled.

"Goodnight, Chiyo-ssan. And thank you for the hoodies. I love them!"

It was my turn to smile. "Your welcome. I'm glad you love them. Sleep early."

That night, I went to sleep, with images of a smiling Kook running though my mind.

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