15: Worthless

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"Take the money and leave my son's side."

A stack of money landed in front of her feet. Chiyo gripped her hands tight, her knuckles turning white from the strong grip. She almost scoffed. 

Turns out, rich people do use money to solve their problems, just like in soap dramas. 

Tears threatened to fall, but Chiyo refused to let Mr Jeon see her vulnerability.

"What if I say no?"

Mr Jeon scoffed. "Listen here young lady, my son does not belong to you in the first place. He has a fiance. You ruined their relationship the moment you step into his life." he stated.

"Sir, if I don't step into his life, he probably would have died. Is their relationship important or is your son's life more important?" she asked.

Mr Jeon kept quiet.

Chiyo bent down to pick up the money. She removed the rubber band holding the money and threw the money in the air.

"I don't need your dirty money."

And she left, leaving Mr Jeon in shock and disbelief.


"Honey, why aren't you eating?"

Jeongguk look up from his plate to see his mother's eyes glistening with worry.

He shook his head. "Nothing, mom. I'm just tired that's all."

Mrs Jeon frowned. "Honey, is it because of that Japanese girl?"

His fork came to a halt, the screeching sound of the utensil filled the dining room.

"Mom, I love Chiyo with all my heart. I can't just abandon her like this." he said, his body turning to face his mother.

Mrs Jeon sighed. "I know you like her but what about Ji Yeon? She is your fiance and both of you share a past, up until now. You used to tell me your eternal love for her. What happened? Don't you remember your times with her? The child did nothing wrong. She was worried sick and even took a leave from the hospital just to join the search party to search for you. To find out that her fiance love another person instead of her after his disappearance, how would she feel? She's bound to know."

Jeongguk quietly let his mother words sink in his mind.

Moments of him with Ji Yeon flashed in his mind.

Their first date in the hospital garden , his constant flirting while she was at the counter with the nurses, his endless waits for her shift to end, casual times where he will sleep on her lap while she listen to his heartbeat through her stethoscope.

Their first kiss at Han River.

"I know, mom. I know. But Ji Yeon....she is my past now. I only have one person in my heart, which is Chiyo. And nothing can change that." he finally said, after minutes of silence.

Mrs Jeon closed her eyes and held her breath. She let out a sigh before standing up.

"I'm sorry, son. I can't help you." she said before leaving the dining room.

Jeongguk slammed the table hard and shoved the plates away, shattering them as they fall to the ground and break into pieces.

He screamed out of frustration. His body shook as he planted his face in his hands, tears staining his palm.

"I'm sorry Chiyo. I'm so worthless. I can't protect our love."

Rain poured hard outside as Chiyo stare out of her bedroom window.

Emptiness was all she felt. She was stuck in a black void, unable to escape.

She placed her knees close to her chest and hugged herself.

"I'm sorry Jeongguk. I'm so worthless. I can't get you to stay."

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