9: Watermelon Smiles

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"Morning, Chiyo."

Chiyo got taken aback when Jeongguk suddenly gave her a hug from the back, his fingers wrapped around her waist gently. 

He snuggled into her neck and hugged her tighter.

"You smell so good." 

Chiyo smiled softly and continued to stir fry the scrambled egg. 

"And you smell bad so go wash up."

Jeongguk pouted and poked her side, causing her to yelp. 

"Yah Jeon Jeongguk! No breakfast for you!" she shouted.

Jeongguk pulled away and tapped her shoulder. Chiyo turned around, a mad expression plastered on her face. 

He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.

"Forgive ggukkie?" 

Chiyo giggled and nodded.

"How can I not forgive you. Now go wash up. After breakfast, we're going on a journey."

Jeongguk's eyes gleam in excitement. 

"A journey? Where??" he asked.

Chiyo touched his nose playfully and pushed him away slowly. 

"I'll tell you later. Now go."

"Yes madam!" he exclaimed and ran off to the bathroom immediately.

Chiyo shook her head.

"This kid..."


When Jeongguk came out, breakfast was already served on the table. Chiyo already sat down on the floor, her eyes glued to her phone screen, her fingers busy typing away. Jeongguk headed to her direction and stood behind her, trying to take a peek.

"Who are you texting?" he asked out of the blue.

Chiyo flinched and placed a hand over her chest. 

"Jeongguk, you scared me!"

He giggled and smiled sheepishly. 

"Sorryy. But who were you texting just now?" he asked again as he took a seat across Chiyo. 

She placed her phone on the table.

"I was texting my parents. I told them we are coming." she stated and grabbed a piece of omelette from the serving plate. 

Jeongguk almost choked on his water. 

"Y-your parents?"

Chiyo nodded. "Yea, is there something wrong about it?"

It was an impulsive decision, but somehow, after their emotional moment that day, Chiyo was desperate to solidify their relationship. 

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